absolution - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of absolution in Hindi

  • मुक्ति
  • उद्धार
  • निरपेक्षवाद
  • निरंकुशता
  • परमसत्तावाद
  • तानाशाही
  • निरंकुश शासनवाद

absolution Definition

formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment. ( अपराध, दायित्व या दंड से औपचारिक रिहाई। )

absolution Example

  • absolution from the sentence ( वाक्य से अनुपस्थिति )
  • Here you have the prime virtue of being a born-again politician: automatic absolution from responsibility for inflicting even more deprivation on the weakest in society. ( यहां आपके पास एक जन्म-फिर से राजनेता होने का मुख्य गुण है: समाज में सबसे कमजोर लोगों पर और भी अधिक अभाव के लिए जिम्मेदारी से स्वचालित अनुपस्थिति। )

More Example

  • When we look honestly at the facts, we see that there is no liturgical, theological, pastoral, or canonical reason that would keep the bishops from granting permission for the use of general absolution .
  • The Friar gives absolution for sins in exchange for money and flirts with the prettiest wives.
  • Bianca can't make it better for you, either: shame on you for even trying to get absolution from her.
  • The sun refuses to differentiate among them, grants a kind of absolution from individual frailties.
  • I always feel that when people ask this question or try to seek justification for having an affair, they are, at some level, seeking absolution from others.
  • Or is this his absolution from making ‘serious’ pictures?
  • Furthermore, annual confession had been made obligatory in 1215 at the Fourth Lateran Council so that a priest had an opportunity to talk privately to the penitents and to correct errors as well as giving them absolution for their sins.
  • What might a priest's absolution mean in such circumstances?
  • So I seek absolution from my wicked thoughts, and I promise to be calm and serene from now on.
  • Holding a separate service just for confession and absolution before a service of communion is an old practice for Lutherans.
  • It has been suggested that the only way to face the guilt after a serious error is through confession, restitution, and absolution .
  • But the priest patiently heard my confession, gave me absolution , and then zipped out to continue his busy day.
  • Sam was asking for forgiveness and wanted absolution from Ian.
  • While faith can act like a shock absorber during grief and provide you with an eternal perspective as you struggle to make sense of your life, it does not offer immunity from sorrow or absolution from questioning what you believe.
  • The broken tales and their disembodied inhabitants are too sketchy and isolated to incite empathy, and the theme of guilt and absolution has little plot and character for support, so the whole thing feels trifling and weak.
  • This process involves confession to a priest, acts of contrition, receiving absolution , and performing works of satisfaction.
  • When, after an absence of eight years, he attempts to heal the rift with his three daughters, each girl demands a different absolution from him.
  • This predisposes us to believe the worst of ourselves and others, and to seek, not a resolution to problems, but an absolution from sin.
  • Connected to the Taoist tradition, followers honor the dead on this day, when the earth god is said to give absolution for the sins of the dead.
  • After all, a priest doesn't provide absolution for sins about to be committed.
  • I think they each wanted some nod of blessing and assurance; wanted absolution from Mary so they could go back to having a good time.
  • I can identify with the possible need for confession, restitution, and absolution , or at least resolution.
  • she had been granted absolution for her sins
  • Using an excellent anecdotal storytelling style, Forest goes on to portray the concepts of sin, confession, forgiveness, and absolution and includes actual confessions sent to him.
  • In time the French Crusaders received papal absolution for their part in the business at Zara, but the Venetians did not.
  • When Gregory heard that Frederick had gone on Crusade anyway, he promptly excommunicated the Emperor a second time, for setting out without having received absolution for the first sentence.
  • I didn't want just absolution , I wanted advice, and I knew I wouldn't get it in my parish in Dehradun.
  • These should include the Lord's Prayer, a confession and absolution , a short reading from the Gospels with a request to our Lord for his help, and an invocation of the Holy Spirit.