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surrogate - Meaning in Marathi

Meaning of surrogate in Marathi

  • सरोगेट
  • बिशपचा प्रतिनिधिक दुय्यम

surrogate Definition

a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office. ( एक पर्याय, विशेषत: एखादी व्यक्ती विशिष्ट भूमिकेत किंवा कार्यालयासाठी दुसर्‍यासाठी पदोन्नती करते. )

surrogate Example

  • The road, both a participant in and a generator of vistas, becomes a surrogate for the human presence.
  • In an ordinary presidential election, the winner enjoys the right to call the shots on policy as the political surrogate for the electoral majority.
  • The sequence-structure distance can be interpreted as a surrogate for the difference in energies between an ancestral and a descendant protein.
  • she was regarded as the surrogate for the governor during his final illness
  • In representing American economic interests in the absence of a tangible American presence, Fort Union was a surrogate for federal authority.
  • Some Balts hoped that, if and when they joined the EU, it would be a surrogate for a formal military alliance.
  • Before enrollment in the study, each patient or the patient's designated healthcare surrogate provided written informed consent.
  • Discuss the patient's need to make advance directives and to identify surrogates for medical and legal decision-making.
  • It's experts who can inspect, audit, and review, acting as surrogates for the importing party.
  • Whereas estimator surrogates , they argue, are subject to empirical justification, true surrogates are still dependent on convention.
  • Outcome surrogates must be carefully validated to avoid misleading results.
  • Explorers became the conventional heroes of colonial Australia, surrogates for the warriors Australia did not have.
  • Like language, these photographs are surrogates for reality, full of meaning but incomplete in and of themselves.
  • In addition, a modified version of the portfolio traveled to sixteen venues between 1935 and 1937, with the photographs serving as surrogates for the objects themselves.
  • People tend to project disgust properties onto groups of people in their own society who come to figure as surrogates for people's anxieties about their own animality.
  • A written informed consent was obtained from patients' surrogates after describing the nature and the purpose of the study.
  • The use of personal anecdotes about a few hundred students and a secretary as surrogates for the world economy disappointed.
  • Not quite useful as measurements of scale, they could be understood to serve as surrogates for her own presence in the cinema of daily life.
  • In contrast, in the local strategy, some biodiversity surrogates may not achieve their target.
  • Using outcome surrogates can decrease both study duration and sample size.
  • In contrast to true surrogates, estimator surrogates have true surrogates as their intended objects of representation.