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without fail - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of without fail in Hindi


  • ज़रूर
  • अचूक
  • बेशक
  • निस्संदेह
  • अवश्यमेव
  • बिना चूके

without fail Definition

  • with no exception; always.

without fail Example

  • The general orders them all to be driven out at once, without fail. ( जनरल उन सभी को बिना किसी असफलता के एक ही बार में बाहर निकालने का आदेश देता है। )
  • This requires you to plan and make sure that you have the resources to fully pay your bill each month without fail. ( इसके लिए आपको योजना बनानी होगी और सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि आपके पास बिना किसी असफलता के हर महीने अपने बिल का पूरी तरह से भुगतान करने के लिए संसाधन हैं। )
  • One product I've found after trying so many on the market that really combats creasing eye shadows without fail from MAC Cosmetics is called Paints, and the shade I prefer because it works on almost every skin-tone is, "Untitled." ( बाजार पर इतने सारे प्रयास करने के बाद मैंने पाया है कि मैक प्रसाधन सामग्री से असफल होने के बिना वास्तव में बढ़ती आंखों की छाया का मुकाबला करने वाला एक उत्पाद पेंट्स कहलाता है, और छाया जिसे मैं पसंद करता हूं क्योंकि यह लगभग हर त्वचा-स्वर पर काम करता है, "शीर्षक रहित।" )

More Sentence

  • While its colors are seasonally appropriate, they're not dated; you'll be able to wear the shades year after year without fail.
  • In fact, I reach for it with blind confidence, assuming it will be there for me without fail.
  • Roast beef and chicken dinners are weekly occurrences and on every occasion without fail the meat is always perfect.
  • There was one of those pregnant silences that always grace a table without fail.
  • Above all, the resilience of the human spirit, present without fail in each location, is what has kept the filmmaker going.  
  • They sat in thin-lipped, awe-struck silence while he played, then, without fail, erupted into a standing ovation at the end of every song.
  • Until recently, I would without fail drink a big glass of lemon juice and hot water every morning when I woke up.
  • But every morning en route to the train station there is, without fail, at least one pool of crusty vom on the footpath.  
  • Natascha, Tash to most, was the first to admit that nervousness always and without fail got the better of her.
  • Trouser jeans are "seasonless" and can be worn year round without fail.
  • If anything, they will be resurrected year after year without fail!
  • Queen Elizabeth I was a member of the Tudor era of which the Faerie Queene celebrated without fail as in the tradition of Aeneid's writings of Rome during the time of Augustus Caesar.
  • Some of De Morgan's most interesting and useful minor writings are to be found in the Companions to the British Almanack, to which he contributed without fail one article each year from 1831 up to 1857 inclusive.
  • A man came to the door, took my letter, and said madam should have it without fail.