welfare - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of welfare in Hindi
- कुशल
- समृद्धि
- सौभाग्य
- श्रेय
- शुभ
- सलामती
- सुगति
- लोक-कल्याण
- ख़ुशहाली
welfare Definition
- the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
welfare Example
- the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare ( शिक्षा, आवास और कल्याण के अधिकारों की सुरक्षा )
- Consider that the welfare of his soul is at stake. ( विचार करें कि उसकी आत्मा का कल्याण दांव पर है। )
- Weller turned to Dean, "I thought you might be interested in the welfare of your guests." ( वेलर ने डीन की ओर रुख किया, "मैंने सोचा था कि आप अपने मेहमानों के कल्याण में दिलचस्पी ले सकते हैं।" )
- The welfare and safety of the children is the father’s main concern. ( बच्चों का कल्याण और सुरक्षा पिता की मुख्य चिंता है। )
More Sentence
- The sick woman’s welfare was tied to the type of care she received at the hospital.
- Conducting a welfare check, the state police went out to make sure the elderly woman was okay.
- Secondly, when they closed the pits, they closed many of those centres of culture and sporting activities, the miners' welfares.
- Medication helped the mentally well woman improve her overall welfare.
- In the upper classes the welfare of the family has been set above the interests of each member.
- The welfare of children must come first, not the welfare of lawyers.
- When he had to choose between the welfare of the Society and the feelings of an individual it was clear to which side the balance would fall.
- they don't give a damn about the welfare of their families