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wasp - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of wasp in Hindi

  • हड्डा
  • भिड़
  • वास्प

wasp Definition


  • a social winged insect that has a narrow waist and a sting. It constructs a paper nest from wood pulp and raises the larvae on a diet of insects.
  • a solitary winged insect with a narrow waist, mostly distantly related to the social wasps and including many parasitic kinds.

wasp Example

  • The chief pests are mosquitoes, termites and the serut, a brown fly about the size of a wasp, with a sharp stab, which chiefly attacks cattle. ( मुख्य कीट मच्छर, दीमक और सेरूट हैं, ततैया के आकार के बारे में एक भूरे रंग की मक्खी, एक तेज छुरा के साथ, जो मुख्य रूप से मवेशियों पर हमला करती है। )
  • I got stung by a wasp yesterday. ( मुझे कल ततैया ने काट लिया था। )
  • As the wasp hovered near, the caterpillars suddenly started flailing from side to side. ( जैसे ही ततैया पास मँडराती थी, कैटरपिलर अचानक अगल-बगल से बहने लगे। )
  • A wasp differs from other flying insects in the fact that they feed meat to their young.  ( एक ततैया अन्य उड़ने वाले कीड़ों से इस तथ्य में भिन्न होती है कि वे अपने बच्चों को मांस खिलाते हैं। )
  • My mother comes from an old WASP family which has been in this country for 350 years. ( मेरी माँ एक पुराने WASP परिवार से आती हैं जो 350 वर्षों से इस देश में है। )

More Sentence

  • The wasp strays in, eats a little honey, warms itself, tries to sting and travels out to some winter lair.
  • The pain and other symptoms of a bee or wasp sting normally fade away after a few hours.
  • My mother comes from an old WASP family which has been in this country for 350 years.
  • Reading the files of the Wasp network reveals a poignant tragicomic coda to the cold war.
  • The little-known sea wasp, in spite of its name, is actually a jellyfish.
  • She lifted her foot and squashed the wasp into the ground.
  • It wasP certainly not a boon for England that her present sovereign was destined to remain within her borders for the greater part of his remaining years.
  • My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.
  • At that moment, a wasp flew in through the open window.
  • Because he is allergic to wasp stings, the man makes sure to avoid the insect.
  • The other three cocoons also had been parasitized by a wasp that must have laid her eggs into the caterpillar.
  • She had a puncture wound in her arm, from a wasp sting.
  • Though not as deadly as the sea wasp, this jellyfish can cause severe irritation if it stings a human.
  • The natural parasite rate of oothecal parasitic wasp is related with the wasp type. Blatta host and the natural parasite count in ootheca.
  • A wasp buzzed around the tree and landed on its paper nest.
  • Most predators probably have to sample and kill at least one wasp or bee before they learn to identify it as unpleasant.
  • A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.
  • There it feeds first as an internal parasite of the waspgrub, then bores its way out, moults and devours the wasp larva from outside.