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warm - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of warm in Hindi

  • गरम
  • गर्म
  • कुल
  • उष्ण
  • तेज
  • उग्र


  • गरम
  • हार्दिक
  • गर्मीला
  • दिली


  • गरम करना
  • गरमाना
  • तापना
  • गरम कर देना
  • सेंकना

warm Definition


  • of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature.
  • having, showing, or expressive of enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
  • (of a color) containing red, yellow, or orange tones.
  • (of a scent or trail) fresh; strong.


  • make or become warm.

warm Example

  • a warm welcome ( एक जोरदार स्वागत ) 
  • I stamped my feet to warm them up ( मैंने उन्हें गर्म करने के लिए अपने पैरों पर मुहर लगाई )
  • her fair coloring suited soft, warm shades ( उसका गोरा रंग नरम, गर्म रंगों के अनुकूल है )
  • they exchanged warm, friendly smiles ( उन्होंने गर्मजोशी से भरी, दोस्ताना मुस्कान का आदान-प्रदान किया )

More Sentence

  • a warm winter coat
  • It was a warm afternoon in August.
  • His skin was warm to the touch.
  • The warm sun shone on the pine trees and drew out all their fragrance.
  • His voice was warm and gentle.
  • Gray received a warm welcome.
  • These islands have a warm climate.
  • What do we call the warm season?
  • Of warm and golden feeling?
  • It was a warm reception they got.
  • It was a warm summer-like night.
  • The climate became warm and sunny.
  • His warm hands slid under her jacket, caressing her back through the thin T-shirt.
  • The warm sun was shining on us.
  • The night was warm and light.
  • In cold weather we eat more, in warm less.
  • It is because there is no warm blood in them, remarked the Wizard.
  • After a warm shower, she felt better.
  • a warm September evening
  • it's a bit chilly in here, but it'll soon warm up
  • if there is anything a little too warm in the play, it can easily be left out
  • a warm debate arose
  • I walked quickly to keep warm