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veteran - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of veteran in Hindi

  • अनुभवी
  • पुराना सिपाही
  • दीर्घानुभवी
  • दक्ष
  • कुशल

veteran Definition

a person who has had long experience in a particular field. ( ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में लंबा अनुभव हो। )

veteran Example

  • a veteran of two world wars ( दो विश्व युद्धों के एक अनुभवी )
  • Scott was shown over the site of the Battle of the Boyne by an old veteran and was delighted by the experience. ( स्कॉट को एक पुराने दिग्गज द्वारा बोयेन की लड़ाई की साइट पर दिखाया गया था और अनुभव से प्रसन्न था। )
  • Now that the veteran is in the master's category he is able to boast having shot his age no less than 27 times. ( अब जब कि अनुभवी मास्टर की श्रेणी में है, तो वह अपनी उम्र 27 से कम होने का दावा नहीं कर सकता है। )
  • a Vietnam veteran ( एक वियतनाम के दिग्गज )

More Sentence

  • Then there's another police chief, suspicious of the veteran cop's dubious tactics on the job.
  • This veteran found the experience so outlandish that he could not tell anyone about it.
  • Even as the song was being sung, the veteran music director, sat as if in a transport reliving the creation of this song.
  • Not only was he the leading over 45, but he also beat the best of the over 40s to cross the line as the leading veteran .
  • But Afghanistan is the sort of experience that can screw up a veteran once he's home.
  • a veteran left-wing MP
  • The US secretary of state is a Vietnam veteran who has commanded field units at almost every level.
  • An esteemed veteran actor with a penchant for the unpredictable arrived and sat under a painting of fairies in a field.
  • Would you like to talk with someone who is a veteran of the Congress experience?
  • Graham was a veteran member and former chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
  • Doherty is an internet veteran after working in the multimedia, design and internet field since 1994.
  • The team is in dire need of an experienced veteran to back him up and hopes to sign one before the regular season.
  • US veterans and military justice experts were less willing to jump to judgment.
  • Gabrielle told Annie that veterans were very keen to share their experience and that they were all fantastic.
  • He has become the spine of a team which blends experienced veterans and youth.
  • Joining us now with some perspective, three very distinguished military veterans .
  • Second World War veterans and serving members of the armed forces will march together to commemorate the end of the war in Europe.
  • We all remember the experiences of the veterans we have known in our lives.
  • As part of that, veterans will be visiting schools to talk about their experiences.
  • Most veterans are too traumatised or embarrassed to discuss their experiences.
  • On Friday he joins up with hundreds of D-Day veterans for a special tribute in France.
  • This originated in the experience of US veterans in the aftermath of Vietnam.
  • It will be a good learning experience for the newcomers, and, hopefully, the veterans can help the younger ones.
  • The new players have provided tough competition to the veterans in the field.
  • They were already veterans , selected for special missions because of their bravery and endurance.
  • Army veterans who served in World War Two have joined the campaign to save their former regiment.