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unlike - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of unlike in Hindi

  • भिन्न
  • असम
  • असदृश


  • से भिन्न


  • असमान

unlike Definition


  • different from; not similar to. ( से अलग; के समान नहीं है। )


  • dissimilar or different from each other. ( एक दूसरे से भिन्न या भिन्न। )


  • withdraw one's liking or approval of (a web page or posting on a social media website that one has previously liked). ( किसी की पसंद या अनुमोदन (एक वेब पेज या सोशल मीडिया वेबसाइट पर पोस्ट करना जो पहले पसंद किया गया हो) को वापस ले लें। )

unlike Example

  • We were the new generation that saw ourselves as both black and British, and, unlike the dominant communities, we did not see a contradiction between these two terms.
  • I have covered a number of major international events in my time and have seen a media pack before but this was unlike anything I had ever encountered.
  • The trouble those people are in is unlike anything that has ever happened to this country before, including 9 / 11.
  • There is even a legality attached to this aspect of what architects do: unlike a contractor, an architect cannot put a lien against a building if a client does not pay.
  • I believe that the rise of Middle Eastern organised crime in Sydney will have an impact on society unlike anything we have ever seen.
  • His reactions were unlike anything we had ever seen.
  • The downtown contract, unlike the strip contract, gives the union bureaucracy the flexibility to adjust how much of the negotiated amount goes to wages and health care.
  • Because unlike the right, there are no book contracts and think tank jobs waiting for them.
  • Well, Hurricane Katrina has created a refugee crisis unlike anything ever seen in this country.
  • But still the mountain loomed over her and just in some way it was different and unlike anything she had seen.
  • It's just unlike anything I've ever experienced.
  • Add to that the fact that he can make the most astonishing sounds come out of a drum and the combination is unlike anything you've ever heard.
  • Driving in Lebanon is unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.
  • This event truly has laid bare, unlike any other, the awful contradictions and hypocrisies of American society.
  • A cookery show unlike anything ever seen before hits our screens next month with something a little more adventurous than the usual fare.
  • Underlying this contrast is the idea that knowledge, unlike belief, requires special endowments.
  • I think it's kind of limitless with this superhero, unlike others, because he is so contradictory, he is so complex, he has so many demons and issues.
  • It has shown a strong, clear leadership - unlike the confused and contradictory utterances from ACT and National, which I will come to.
  • Perched at 5,380 ft on the side of a Swiss Alp, Whitepod is quite unlike anything you'll ever have seen in skiing, and the sooner you get used to the idea, the better.
  • The news cycle for this war is unlike anything we've ever seen.
  • This affords greater opportunity to provide client choice, being specific to each client, unlike most contracting in the NHS market.
  • But he said some graduates still preferred working for Levett & Bailey because, unlike many contractors, it had a training programme.
  • It would not be unlike South Africa, so full of contradictions, to produce such an incongruous solution to the problems in agriculture being felt all around the emerging world.
  • On film, the battle of Helms Deep is an astonishing nightmare-scale bombardment, a cinematic showdown unlike anything ever witnessed before.
  • Squared Euclidean distances were utilized in order to maximize the dissimilarity of unlike clusters.
  • This last contraction unlike the previous one tries to move the thigh faster preventing the knee from damage by over-straightening.
  • They are quite unlike anything ever seen on a rugby field.
  • Somers said the X-ray was unlike anything he had ever seen.
  • Machiavelli drew a similar contrast between himself and his predecessors, although he, unlike Sophocles and Raphael, added a value judgment.
  • I lived there only briefly, but even as a child I knew that the attitude among the city's poor, black population was unlike anything I'd ever experienced.