toughwood - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of toughwood in Hindi
toughwood Definition
- wood converted into an easily ignitible substance by the action of certain fungi, and used as tinder; punk.
toughwood Example
- We must touch wood, but it appears there will be no airstrikes. ( हमें लकड़ी को छूना चाहिए, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि कोई हवाई हमला नहीं होगा। )
- "Touch wood _ he is in very good health, " she said. ( "टच वुड _ वह बहुत अच्छे स्वास्थ्य में है," उसने कहा। )
- touch wood I wouldn’t get as fat as Mrs . ( लकड़ी को स्पर्श करें मैं श्रीमती के रूप में मोटा नहीं होता। )
- Most times I ride my bike nothing untoward happens ( touch wood ). ( ज्यादातर बार मैं अपनी बाइक की सवारी करता हूं, कुछ भी अनहोनी नहीं होती (लकड़ी को छूना)। )
More Sentence
- touch wood , I’ll say.
- touch wood , we have been lucky with injuries and suspensions so far.
- touch wood , I’ve never had to dope him on the lorry.
- He said: ” touch wood , there is a chance of that.
- I ‘ve never ( touch wood ) had any trouble with the google updates.
- touch wood , I feel like I will be back sooner than expected.
- Touch wood hopefully it is not as bad as it looked.
- "I have had a comfortable time, touch wood, " said Shriver.
- "So far, touch wood, we've been lucky, " he says.
- But he's rotten as touchwood by now.
- "Touch wood, it's still on, " she managed to joke.
- Akchurin said, asking everyone to touch wood for good luck.
- In Great Britain, they say, " Touch wood ."
- "Touch wood, the body's still going, " he said.
- It's difficult to see touch wood in a sentence .