through - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of through in Hindi
- के माध्यम से
- से
- द्वारा
- के द्वारा
- में से
- के ज़रिये
- के बाद
- के रास्ते
- के पार
- पर से
- के माध्यम से द्वारा
- के ऊपर से
- सीधा
- अपरोक्ष
- पारगामी
- माध्यम से सीधा
through Definition
- expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location.
- so as to continue in time toward the completion of a process, period, etc.
- so as to inspect all or part of a publication or document.
- so as to be connected by telephone.
- (of a means of public transportation or a ticket) continuing or valid to the final destination.
- (of a room) running the whole length of a building.
- having no prospect of any future relationship, dealings, or success.
through Example
- the truck smashed through a brick wall ( ट्रक ईंट की दीवार से टकराया )
- cut the lemon in half from top to bottom, but not all the way through ( नींबू को ऊपर से नीचे तक आधा काटें, लेकिन पूरी तरह से नहीं )
- she told him she was through with him ( उसने उससे कहा कि वह उसके साथ थी )
- I went through to the bedroom to answer the phone ( मैं फोन का जवाब देने के लिए बेडरूम में गया )
More Sentence
- she had come through her sternest test
- we need the money to help us get through until he has a new job
- we are continuing to seek justice through the courts
- neighborhoods from which through traffic would be excluded
- a through ticket
- a through train from Boston
- each joint can move through an angle within fixed limits
- dioxins get into mothers' milk through contaminated food
- water was pouring through holes in the roof
- we're extremely pleased to be through to the semifinals
- though he tried to rally support for his bill, he couldn't push it through
- as soon as we opened the gate they came streaming through
- Karl will see you through, Ingrid
- you and I are through
- she walked through the doorway into the living room
- a ten-minute drive through the tunnel brought us to the city of Whittier
- she read the letter through carefully
- he showed up halfway through the second act
- she's been through a bad time
- make sure to watch the video all the way through
- the sun was streaming in through the window
- she's just started a tour that will keep her busy right through to June
- a party of about 40 students arrived and I had to push my way through to the reception desk
- we sat through some very boring speeches
- you'll find caves and waterfalls sheltered by lush green trees with sunlight streaming through
- their dog ran out onto the ice and fell through