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the genration gap - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of the genration gap in Hindi

  • पीढ़ी अंतराल

the genration gap Definition


the genration gap Example

  • These two crazy critters aren't going anywhere as there popularity crossed the generation gap and continues to entertain kids and adults alike! ( ये दो पागल क्रिटर्स कहीं नहीं जा रहे हैं क्योंकि उनकी लोकप्रियता ने पीढ़ी के अंतर को पार कर लिया है और बच्चों और वयस्कों का समान रूप से मनोरंजन करना जारी रखा है! )
  • Eloquent prose, coupled with well-pitched humor, crosses the generation gap in a single fluent stride. ( वाक्पटु गद्य, अच्छी तरह से पेश किए गए हास्य के साथ, एक धाराप्रवाह चरण में पीढ़ी के अंतर को पार करता है। )
  • Generation gap, conservation, reminiscence, pedantry and stubbornness all basically derive from that. ( जनरेशन गैप, संरक्षण, स्मृति, पांडित्य और हठ सभी मूल रूप से उसी से उत्पन्न होते हैं। )
  • How many years do you think is generation gap? Why? ( आपके हिसाब से जनरेशन गैप कितने साल का होता है? क्यों? )

More Sentence

  • a movie that is sure to bridge the generation gap.
  • There is a generation gap between my parents and I.
  • So the generation gap is ineluctable, as long as the exactitude treats all right.
  • It seemed that he had a foot planted firmly on both sides of the generation gap.
  • This versatile book combines communicative activities with information on topics as varied as national customs, food, and the generation gap. Sentencedict.com
  • The results were stunningly successful and caught the flavour of Sixties London and the generation gap.
  • In attempting its exposition I face the problem of a generation gap.
  • He tells me that they had a discussion in school about the generation gap.
  • With class war anaesthetized by the Cold War and affluence, the generation gap and teenagers became a subject for serious observation.
  • Foreigner: In China do you also have the problem of generation gap?
  • Games bridge the generation gap and are a great way to stimulate get-togethers with family and friends.
  • That's where the so-called generation gap comes in.