the electric chair - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of the electric chair in Hindi
the electric chair Definition
- a chair in which convicted criminals are executed by electrocution, especially in parts of the US.
the electric chair Example
- The gangster ended up in the electric chair. ( गैंगस्टर बिजली की कुर्सी में समा गया। )
- He was sent to the electric chair. ( उन्हें इलेक्ट्रिक चेयर पर भेजा गया। )
- They face death by the electric chair. ( वे बिजली की कुर्सी से मौत का सामना करते हैं। )
More Sentence
- He faces death by the electric chair in a Florida state prison.
- The electric chair for those with spelling mistakes.
- Top Florida court OKs electric chair use Tallahassee, Fla.
- He faces death by the electric chair in Florida state prison.
- The electric chair is possibly the cruelest method of execution.
- A dentist invented the electric chair.
- The electric chair replaced hanging in 1888.