the dark ages - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of the dark ages in Hindi
the dark ages Definition
- the period in European history from about a.d. 476 to about 1000.
- the whole of the Middle Ages, from about a.d. 476 to the Renaissance.
- (often lowercase) a period or stage marked by repressiveness, a lack of enlightenment or advanced knowledge, etc.
the dark ages Example
- One woman described that possibility as a descent into the Dark Ages. ( एक महिला ने उस संभावना को अंधकार युग में वंश के रूप में वर्णित किया। )
- And it reminded him of the dark ages just eight years ago. ( और इसने उसे आठ साल पहले के अंधेरे युग की याद दिला दी। )
- Moreover, the Thai culture of learning is still in the dark age. ( इसके अलावा, थाई सीखने की संस्कृति अभी भी अंधेरे युग में है। )
- These phrases and the other archaisms increase the dark ages atmosphere. ( ये वाक्यांश और अन्य पुरातनताएं अंधकार युग के वातावरण को बढ़ाती हैं। )
More Sentence
- In short, psychiatrists are literally in the dark ages on this subject.
- Glimmers of light beginning to illuminate the darkness of yup the Dark Ages.
- He'd known love and trust only in the earliest stage of his life, when he had a family before he entered the dark age of his people.
- Ruiz - Geli is not interested in returning to the dark ages before Modernism.
- If Western civilization could survive the Dark Ages, then we can survive Trump.
- Republicans simply prefer to make all of their investments in the Dark Ages.
- The tone of the letter was like something from the dark ages,
- Now we have a backlash leading us back to the Dark Ages.
- We are almost in the Dark Ages with this kind of research,
- A dark age for the organization could be just beyond the horizon.
- This period is thus often referred to as a Dark Age.
- Brave new world _ or Dark Ages _ full speed ahead.
- The universe had entered what astronomers characterize as its dark age.
- It's difficult to see dark ages in a sentence .
- We are on the verge of a dark age where the outlaws triumph.
- Clearly, the FBI is operating in the dark ages of technology.
- The work schedule at Orion could have been fashioned in the Dark Ages.