tarnish - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of tarnish in Hindi
- धब्बा लगाना
- धुंधला हो जाना
- मंद हो जाना
- कलंक लगाना
- कलंकति करना
- दूषित करना
- मैला करना
- धूमिल करना
- बट्टा
tarnish Definition
- dullness of color; loss of brightness.
- lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.
tarnish Example
- lemon juice would tarnish the gilded metal ( नींबू का रस सोने का पानी चढ़ा धातु को कलंकित करेगा )
- he was removing tarnish from the candlesticks ( वह मोमबत्तियों से कलंक हटा रहा था )
- Compact zinc is bluish white; it does not tarnish much in the air. ( कॉम्पैक्ट जिंक नीला सफेद होता है; यह हवा में ज्यादा कलंकित नहीं करता है। )
- These masses are of a dull grey colour, owing to surface tarnish; only on fresh fractures is the colour tin-white with metallic lustre. ( सतह के खराब होने के कारण ये द्रव्यमान धूसर धूसर रंग के होते हैं; केवल ताजा फ्रैक्चर पर धात्विक चमक के साथ टिन-सफ़ेद रंग होता है। )
More Sentence
- It appears that amalgamation is often impeded by the tarnish found on the surface of the gold when it is associated with sulphur, arsenic, bismuth, antimony or tellurium.
- Titanium rings will not rust or tarnish.
- Knowing this much does not seemed to have done much to tarnish the brands.
- Debates could tarnish both candidates, if either attacks the other.
- It's difficult to see tarnish in a sentence .
- He also has an image that has some tarnish to it.
- Cleaning up the UNLV program would erase some of that tarnish.
- All will cause sulfide corrosion, resulting in a blackish tarnish.
- It won't tarnish our legacy at all ."
- It would be unfair to tarnish them over what has occurred.
- But individual effort is the only way to scrub tarnish away.
- Oxidization - metals such as silver tarnish when they are exposed to the atmosphere for any length of time.
- Since sterling silver will tarnish, especially if you live where there is high humidity, you may need to clean those pieces you don't wear regularly.
- Continue to rub with the cloth until the tarnish is removed.
- One of the most common products you can use to get rid of tarnish is found in your kitchen cabinet and on your breakfast table.
- Next, place your jewelry pieces into the bowl and let it sit until the tarnish falls away from the jewelry.
- the tarnish on Alan's personal reputation