tampon - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of tampon in Hindi
- तंपन
- रक्तस्त्राव रोकने के लिए अवरोध
- अवरोध लगाना
tampon Definition
- a plug of soft material inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual blood.
tampon Example
- Women and girls who use tampons should always wash their hands before inserting a tampon and change the tampon every four to six hours. ( टैम्पोन का उपयोग करने वाली महिलाओं और लड़कियों को हमेशा टैम्पोन डालने से पहले अपने हाथ धोना चाहिए और हर चार से छह घंटे में टैम्पोन को बदलना चाहिए। )
- Amy Schumer was dressed in a tampon costume for Halloween. ( हैलोवीन के लिए एमी शूमर ने टैम्पोन कॉस्ट्यूम पहना था। )
- Tampons were not allowed, being considered unsuitable for unmarried girls. ( अविवाहित लड़कियों के लिए अनुपयुक्त माने जाने के कारण टैम्पोन की अनुमति नहीं थी। )
- A rare, but serious, condition called toxic shock syndrome (TSS) can be connected to tampon use. ( टॉक्सिक शॉक सिंड्रोम (TSS) नामक एक दुर्लभ, लेकिन गंभीर स्थिति को टैम्पोन के उपयोग से जोड़ा जा सकता है। )
- One TikTok user completely changed the game after sharing a video of herself soaking the cotton tip of a tampon with nail polish remover. ( एक टिकटॉक यूजर ने टैम्पोन के कॉटन टिप को नेल पॉलिश रिमूवर से भिगोते हुए एक वीडियो शेयर करने के बाद गेम को पूरी तरह से बदल दिया। )
- Tampon granuloma was in duced in rats with tampon embedding method and granuloma was weighed. ( टैम्पोन ग्रेन्युलोमा चूहों में टैम्पोन एम्बेडिंग विधि के साथ लगाया गया था और ग्रेन्युलोमा का वजन किया गया था। )
More Sentence
- Obviously, outlawing Coke cans and tampon applicators is the next step in protecting America 's youth from the scourge of pot.
- Tout autour, une zone tampon est quadrillée, contrôlée, limitée.
- For example, these women may hide a tampon or pad in their sleeve or bag on their way to the bathroom.
- A l'inverse, toute baisse du débit salivaire entraîne une chute du pouvoir tampon.
- When was the last time you had anything in your twat besides a tampon?
- Did you realise that even now there are no legal standards for the manufacture of either sanitary towels or tampons?
- We were also reluctant to be sidetracked into this arena by the tampon manufacturers.
- For example, these women may hide a tampon or pad in their sleeve or bag on their way to the bathroom.
- Ultimately, to be able to solve what is a real problem for so many people—from leaking tampons and uncomfortable traditional cups, to worries about TSS and single use plastics—is so rewarding.
- The button ATR is an Automatic Tampon Remover. Your penis is under your pillow.
- One leading expert on toxic shock syndrome argues that you're at lower risk if you use an all-cotton tampon.
- Then insert the tampon in the usual way, which will push the yogurt into the top of the vagina.
- A l'inverse, toute baisse du débit salivaire entraîne une chute du pouvoir tampon.
- There’s a photograph in the same show of a woman pulling out a tampon.
- It is progress in that it identifies tampons and pads as medical necessities.
- Democrats joined with Republicans in pushing to eliminate the tampon tax.
- Feeling that we should shortly get the order to advance, I resolved to secure some souvenir of Tampon, as we called him.
- The secondary cover, if used, can be attached after the tampon pledget has been compressed into the final tampon form.
- Tampons were not allowed, being considered unsuitable for unmarried girls.