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take away - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of take away in Hindi


  • ले जाओ
  • छीन लेना
  • अपहरण करना


  • हटाना
  • अलग करना
  • दूर करना
  • शेष निकालना
  • घटाना
  • बाहर करना
  • बाक़ी निकालना
  • बहिष्कार करना
  • पृथक करना
  • अलग करके निकालना
  • बाहर निकलवाना
  • ले जाना

take away Definition

  • a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.
  • (in football and hockey) an act of regaining the ball or puck from the opposing team.
  • a takeout restaurant.

take away Example

  • He works seven nights a week delivering food for a Chinese restaurant and a pizza take away . ( वह सप्ताह में सात रातें चीनी रेस्तरां और पिज्जा टेकवे के लिए भोजन पहुंचाता है। )
  • Bruce pulled over outside a Kennebunk clam restaurant and sent me in to get a take away . ( ब्रूस ने एक केनेबंक क्लैम रेस्तरां के बाहर खींच लिया और मुझे लेने के लिए भेजा। )
  • The setup and take away is the key to whether you sweep the ball forward, or chop at it with a downward blow. ( सेटअप और टेकअवे कुंजी है कि क्या आप गेंद को आगे की तरफ घुमाते हैं, या इसे नीचे की तरफ झटका देते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • he phoned for a take away
  • Under Harmon, Pavin has worked to lose his distinctive habit of lifting and fanning the club open on the take away , producing a backswing that was too narrow and too long.
  • He and his friend then went to a take away that sold kebabs.
  • A pressing action, whether it's a small movement of the clubhead or a more dynamic mini-rehearsal of the take away , preps you for the actual swing.
  • Currently in the High Street there are two Indian takeaways, two fish and chip shops, a Chinese takeaway and a pizza take away .
  • She lay on her mother's sofa, watching television and eating chocolates, then had a Chinese take away in the evening.
  • The Kai Cart just back from the waterfront serves interesting food and the group recommends the paua patties which can be eaten on the site or bought as a take away .
  • a fast-food take away
  • the take away message
  • To create a consistent tempo, it helps to have a little movement before the take away , such as a waggle of the clubhead back and forth above the ball.
  • many golfers ruin the swing with a poor take away
  • The presentation night was held at the Tale of Spice restaurant, in Castle Street, which were winners in the best take away and best veggie food sections.
  • Computer software to do everything from running a pizza take away to organising a huge computer gaming tournament was also on display.
  • She began by making samosas, chapattis and other finger foods for a take away and soon she had to take on others to help her.
  • If I want to turn it right to left, I simply swing a little more inside on the take away and release the club a little sooner through impact.
  • I can vouch for the take away as the meals we have had from there have been excellent, so we decided it was time to try out the restaurant.
  • he is happy to eat Chinese take away
  • They were walking home with a pizza from a nearby take away .
  • We were turned away from 3 restaurants who refused to do a take away as they were too busy.
  • Even the normally unflappable Health Squad team were almost speechless when they discovered that Una's diet consists of coffee and a fag for breakfast and a takeaway for dinner!
  • About once a fortnight, I eat a fatty take away for dinner: fish and chips, Chinese, kebabs.
  • Recently, we've smoothed out some minor kinks she had in her take away and the top of the backswing.
  • Every night for the last week I have had to phone for a take away because I can't control my appetite.
  • the main take away for me is that we need to continue to communicate all the things we're doing for our customers
  • Make sure you take regular breaks and treat yourself to a delicious take away or meal out in the evening.
  • a take away pizza
  • Almost half the weight of some chicken sold through restaurants and take aways is made up of water and food additives, according to an investigation.