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stuff - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of stuff in Hindi


  • सामग्री
  • पदार्थ
  • कूड़ा
  • वस्र
  • तुच्छ पदार्थ
  • अनर्थक बकवाद


  • भरना
  • रोकना
  • परिपूर्ण करना
  • दबाना
  • भकोसना

stuff Definition


  • matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied.
  • the basic constituents or characteristics of something or someone.


  • fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something.

stuff Example

  • she's good at the technical stuff ( वह तकनीकी सामान में अच्छी है )
  • “Are you doing stuff, Kevin?” he asked ( "क्या आप सामान कर रहे हैं, केविन?" उसने पूछा )
  • the islanders get fighting mad on the stuff ( द्वीपवासी सामान पर पागल हो जाते हैं )
  • a pickup truck picked the stuff up ( एक पिकअप ट्रक ने सामान उठाया )

More Sentence

  • I'll take her over in the morning to get her stuff out of the car.
  • He refused to do stuff like that.
  • It's really hard to deal with all the bad stuff sometimes.
  • All the good stuff here has been dug out already.
  • While you're heating that stuff up, I think I'll go out and lock Princess in the barn.
  • Grandpa blew his nose into a tissue resulting in all of the green stuff from his nose landing in the Kleenex.  
  • We look at antique furniture today and say, "Man, they sure don't make stuff as good as they used to."
  • I tried to get him to turn the stuff off and clear it up but no go.
  • Rainy will have to get used to pink stuff being everywhere.
  • I'm just talking about cribs and baby carriages and stuff like that.
  • Could Quinn come along, with his stuff, maybe?
  • he knows his stuff and can really write
  • he took his stuff and went
  • such a trip was the stuff of his dreams
  • Healey was made of sterner stuff