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street - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of street in Hindi


  • सड़क
  • गली
  • मार्ग
  • पथ
  • मुहल्ला
  • कूचा


  • सड़क का
  • सड़कों का

street Definition

a public road in a city or town, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides. ( एक शहर या कस्बे में एक सार्वजनिक सड़क, आमतौर पर एक या दोनों तरफ के घरों और इमारतों के साथ। )

street Example

  • He saw how cinema, music and street style were indivisible. ( उन्होंने देखा कि कैसे सिनेमा, संगीत और सड़क शैली अविभाज्य थी। )
  • The western block was home to street kids, the middle to older homeless men, and the east was a cruising ground for male prostitutes.  ( पश्चिमी ब्लॉक में स्ट्रीट किड्स, पुराने बेघर पुरुषों के लिए घर था, और पूरब पुरुष वेश्याओं के लिए एक शानदार मैदान था। )
  • Those wanting to tap into street culture should look no further than this magazine.  ( सड़क संस्कृति में टैप करने के इच्छुक लोगों को इस पत्रिका से आगे नहीं देखना चाहिए। )
  • their office is on the main street  ( उनका कार्यालय मुख्य सड़क पर है )
  • Some of these street people tell me they have been homeless for years.  ( इनमें से कुछ गली के लोग बताते हैं कि वे सालों से बेघर हैं। )
  • The music we were playing was aspirational, not kiddie pop, not cheesy Euro-dance, but based more on street culture.  ( हम जो संगीत बजा रहे थे वह आकांक्षापूर्ण था, न किडी पॉप, न ही यूरो-नृत्य, बल्कि सड़क संस्कृति पर आधारित। )

More Sentence

  • Concerns have been raised that unless something is done quickly, the problem of street kids will be too heavy to handle for the nation.
  • every week, fans stop me in the street
  • It's Chopper Bicycles, the naff 1970's street culture mean machines.
  • The emphasis is on street style, toys, graphics, music and clothing.
  • Ban unroadworthy vehicles, set up a fund to provide food and shelter for the street children and homeless, and ban litter!
  • It doesn't necessarily mean that you are a big fan of street puppets and culture jamming.
  • He spoke to me as a homeless street kid, and he continues to do so.
  • His car looked out of place and his use of urban street lingo was confusing.
  • The street carnival will be fashioned, with support from local artists, after carnivals in Latin America.
  • The intimacy and immediacy of street performing comes naturally to the free-spirited songwriter.
  • The group mixes and layers cultures and styles that range from street dance to martial arts.
  • Roaming bands of homeless street children engaged in petty crime are now common in Argentine cities.
  • The attacks are a reminder that if left uncontrolled, street kids could grow not only into robbers but also purveyors of terror.
  • There, he worked with street kids and people with dependency and other problems, and helped to set up a user-run food bank.
  • I've been involved in ministry to street people in different ways for many years.
  • This performance fuses R & B and hip-hop with street dance and theatre while embracing issues of youth culture.
  • This scenario led to the problem of homeless children commonly known as street kids.
  • We met for the first time in Zimbabwe, where I was working among AIDS-infected people and street children.
  • the main shopping street
  • When you go to music industry events, you find people who say they want to represent this urban music, this street thing.
  • They point to the dwindling numbers of street kids and handicapped persons who make a living by peddling lotteries.
  • Some street person wearing his t-shirt back-to-front and inside out with the tag showing comes up asking for change.
  • Besides, the joke, to many, seemed more at the expense of his middle-class white victims than black street culture.
  • Even baseball has been translated into an urban street sport with stickball.