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stocking - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of stocking in Hindi

  • जुराब
  • मौज़ा
  • माल-संग्रह
  • जुर्राब
  • पायतावा
  • मोजा
  • संग्रहण
  • लंबा मोजा

stocking Definition


  • have or keep a supply of (a particular product or type or product) available for sale.
  • fit (a rifle or other firearm) with a stock.


  • the activity of supplying a stock of something
  • close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural)

stocking Example

  • Before stocking the soft crabs in the pond, the bottom is prepared by draining the pond water, sun - drying and adding sufficient quantity of lime.  ( तालाब में मुलायम केकड़े के संग्रहण से पहले तालाब के पानी को निकालकर, धूप में सूखाकर और पर्याप्त मात्रा में चूना डालकर आधार तैयार किया जाता है।  )
  • Between these two methods, Fattening is more advantageous since the culture period is short and profitable, when enough stocking material is assured.  ( इन दोनों विधियों से केकड़ा को मोटा बनाना अधिक लाभदायक है क्योंकि जब इसमें भंडारण सामान का प्रयोग किया जाता है तो कल्चर अवधि कम होती है और लाभ अधिक होता है।  )
  • Buffer stocking policy and matters relating to food security.  ( लक्षित सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली (टी पी डी एस) के लिए नीति और आयोजना।  )
  • Depending upon the location and availability of water crabs, 6-8 cycles of 'fattening' can be carried out in a pond by repetitive stocking and harvesting.  ( स्थान और पानी केकड़ा की उपलब्धता के अनुसार तालाब में पुनरावृत भंडारण और कटाई के माध्यम से ' उसे बड़ा बनाने ' के 6-8 चक्र पूरे किये जा सकते हैं।  )
  • Determination of the rate of stocking depends mainly on the productivity of the pond and the type of management measures to be followed.  ( स्टॉ किंग को तय करने की दर तालाब की उत्पादन क्षमता पर निर्भर करती है और उसी हिसाब से प्रबंधन के तरीकों को अपनाया जाना चाहिए।  )

More Sentence

  • a compression stocking
  • While Belochamp was almost a uniform gray except for his white mane and tail, Theram had a white star and stockings on both his hind legs.
  • Common gifts were jewels, gloves, silk stockings , flowers, garters, handkerchiefs, and paperweights.
  • Further recommendations include offering passengers flight compression stockings and low-dose aspirin as preventive measures.
  • Elevating your legs and wearing support stockings can help ease any discomfort.
  • Sexy does not have to mean stockings and suspenders or some feeble excuse for a top, with a teeny, weeny micro skirt.
  • Elastic compression stockings also are useful, but only in low-risk patients.
  • After either treatment, you will have to wear support stockings or elastic bandages for several weeks.
  • In this study, use of elastic compression stockings provided effective prevention of DVT formation.
  • I curled up on the quilted bedspread, hugging my stockinged legs to me.
  • Wearing support stockings may also be helpful.
  • The interviewing nurse also explains the need for compression stockings or sequential compression devices to prevent deep vein thrombosis.
  • She wore a gown of purple georgette, silk stockings and high-heeled shoes.
  • Any woman will understand the pure sensual pleasure of silk stockings , or even just really fine denier nylon, if she has ever tried them.
  • The smooth, hundred-year-old larch under my stockinged feet where I now sit in my study represents only a tiny fraction of a very complex solution for what ails our forests.
  • He saw that her toil-worn, weather-exposed hands were like a man's, callused, large-knuckled, and gnarled, and that her stockingless feet were thrust into heavy man's brogans.
  • Minutes later, the silk stockings and shoes turned up at the hotel and were quickly redirected to the Register Office just in time for the ceremony.
  • She was referring to the picture of myself dressed in a basque, stockings , suspenders and a thong that circulated on everybody's mobile phone.
  • Wear support stockings , which you can buy at most drugstores.
  • During the flight, patients can take preventive measures by staying well hydrated, exercising and wearing elastic compression stockings .
  • The trooper ordered them to return to the camp and dress properly, adding emphatically that the stockingless craze must end, even if arrests had to be made to accomplish this end.
  • The undergarments included stockings , petticoats, drawers, and a corset.
  • She was dressed in a suspender belt, stockings and wearing rubber gloves which he liked.
  • The short, light green dress exposed her stockings and suspenders and her long, slim legs.
  • My companion told me rather matter-of-factly that in central New Orleans, being stockingless was the mark of a Bourbon Street prostitute.
  • Although compression stockings reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis in other groups of high risk patients, this has not been confirmed in stroke.
  • Other articles were put on, as were petticoats, stockings and fluffy under-skirts.
  • The patient had used compression stockings faithfully during pregnancy 10 years earlier.
  • After the corset came stockings , three petticoats, and a pure white overdress.
  • It's hard enough to get people to use their canes or to wear unfashionable support stockings .