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stimulus - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of stimulus in Hindi


  • प्रोत्साहन
  • उत्तेजना
  • प्रेरणा
  • उसकाव
  • संदीपन
  • उभाड़
  • उद्दीपन
  • कार्यप्रेरक वस्तु

stimulus Definition


  • a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

stimulus Example

  • if the tax were abolished, it would act as a stimulus to exports ( यदि कर समाप्त कर दिया जाता है, तो यह निर्यात के लिए प्रोत्साहन के रूप में कार्य करेगा )
  • The statistics of the killed usually afford all necessary stimulus to improvement. ( मारे गए लोगों के आँकड़े आमतौर पर सुधार के लिए सभी आवश्यक प्रोत्साहन प्रदान करते हैं। )
  • My teacher, realizing this, determined to supply the kinds of stimulus I lacked. ( मेरे शिक्षक ने, यह महसूस करते हुए, मेरे पास जिस प्रकार की उत्तेजनाओं की कमी थी, उसे प्रदान करने के लिए दृढ़ संकल्प किया। )
  • The genuine significance of Leo lies rather in the stimulus which he gave. ( लियो का वास्तविक महत्व उसके द्वारा दिए गए प्रोत्साहन में निहित है। )

More Sentence

  • Rolle wrote in the northern dialect, but southern transcripts are also found, and the poem exists in a Latin version (Stimulus conscientiae).
  • Similarly, such a single stimulus elicits from a skeletal muscle a single "beat," or, as it is termed, a "twitch."
  • But will the generous economic stimulus cause stocks to rally back?
  • So there's a quicker turnaround from stimulus to response.
  • It is also a recovery based on old-fashioned stimulus.
  • That's the polymodal nociceptors responding to a mechanical stimulus.
  • First, contrary to some claims, fiscal stimulus can work.
  • It's difficult to see stimulus in a sentence .
  • They see it as a stimulus for continuing re-creation.
  • Any stimulus package would be on top of those spending levels.
  • Michael turned it into a positive, used it as stimulus.
  • And that the bulk of this stimulus is yet to come.
  • You can never keep politics totally out of any economic stimulus.
  • But in the skeletal, voluntary or striped muscles a second stimulus succeeding a previous so quickly as to fall even during the continuance of the contraction excited by a first, elicits a second contraction.
  • A third stimulus excites a third additional contraction, a fourth a fourth, and so on.
  • The change which excites them is termed a stimulus.
  • The least stimulus which suffices to excite is known as the stimulus of threshold value.
  • In the case of the heart muscle this threshold stimulus evokes a beat as extensive as does the strongest stimulus; that is, the intensity of the stimulus, so long as it is above threshold value, is not a function of the amount of the muscular response.
  • she loved the stimulus of the job