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stigma - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of stigma in Hindi

  • कलंक
  • लांछन
  • धब्बा
  • चिह्न
  • कुक्षि
  • किसी रोग का विशेष चिह्न
  • योनि-छत्र

stigma Definition

  • a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.
  • (in Christian tradition) marks corresponding to those left on Jesus’ body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favor on the bodies of St. Francis of Assisi and others.
  • a visible sign or characteristic of a disease.
  • (in a flower) the part of a pistil that receives the pollen during pollination.

stigma Example

  • The latter approach could help diminish the social stigma associated with the disabled in Russia, she said. ( उत्तरार्द्ध दृष्टिकोण रूस में विकलांगों के साथ जुड़े सामाजिक कलंक को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है, उसने कहा। )
  • the stigma of mental disorder ( मानसिक विकार का दंश )
  • She hoped the report would raise awareness and begin to reduce the stigma surrounding the children. ( उन्होंने आशा व्यक्त की कि रिपोर्ट जागरूकता बढ़ाएगी और बच्चों के आसपास के कलंक को कम करना शुरू करेगी। )
  • Nurses who have substance abuse problems, therefore, carry the stigma associated with this breach in professionalism. ( नर्सेस जिन्हें मादक द्रव्यों के सेवन की समस्या है, इसलिए, व्यावसायिकता में इस उल्लंघन से जुड़े कलंक को ले जाते हैं। )
  • A given pollen grain blowing in the wind is thus unlikely to land on a receptive stigma . ( इस प्रकार हवा में उड़ने वाले पराग कण को ग्रहणशील कलंक पर उतरने की संभावना नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • Flynn says that she and the team were determined to remove the stigma attached to working away from the office.
  • They said the stigma of mental illness had declined and that empathy was high.
  • There is no longer any social stigma attached to soft drug use, and the statistics bear this out.
  • Information was not available on stress or on the stigma of single motherhood referred to in other studies.
  • The only effective way to avoid the stigma altogether is to embrace abstinence prior to marriage.
  • And that has done more than anything else to reduce the stigma of this disease in many countries.
  • Diseases of the brain have always carried a social and cultural stigma .
  • The aim is to remove the social stigma attached to the disease.
  • Although gay men and lesbians face similar societal stigma , their respective experiences are very different.
  • The perceived stigma of being a domestic violence victim is also a factor.
  • to be a nonreader carries a social stigma
  • You'd eliminate the vote splitting and erase the stigma surrounding both parties.
  • to be a non-reader carries a social stigma
  • The stigma of failure does not apply to such men.
  • They all found it hard to shake the stigma of failure.
  • The stigma of illegitimacy is getting less strong.
  • There is a negative stigma attached to some of these government housing projects.
  • For generations, people who suffer with mental illnesses have had to endure a terrible stigma .
  • Johnson's film also contains at least one decent surprise, a nice line in black humour, and looks very stylish throughout, while being laden with religious imagery - referring to the crucifixion and the stigmata on several occasions.
  • He collected accounts of frogs and other strange objects raining from the sky, UFOs, ghosts, spontaneous human combustion, the stigmata , psychic abilities, etc.
  • Then there is light, and a discarded shroud, and a risen Christ bearing the stigmata leaves the tomb.
  • In it Hansen presents a delicately balanced narrative of a teenaged postulant who receives the stigmata , to the consternation and even embarrassment of her religious community.
  • Pollinations were performed in June by applying the cotton stick loaded with pollen on the receptive stigmas .
  • Liver function test results were within normal limits, and no other stigmata of alcoholic liver disease were present.
  • Third, Martin starts literally from the back of the book - with Francis's death, blindness, and stigmata coming first.