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sterile - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of sterile in Hindi

  • बाँझ
  • बंजर
  • ऊसर
  • अनुर्वर
  • जीवाणुरहित
  • निर्जीवाणुक
  • विसंक्रमित
  • बंध्‍य

sterile Definition


  • not able to produce children or young.
  • free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean.

sterile Example

  • a sterile needle and syringes ( एक बाँझ सुई और सीरिंज )
  • On the higher elevations it is generally stony and sterile, but in the valleys and on many of the lower hills, where it consists largely of clay and sand, it is quite productive. ( अधिक ऊंचाई पर यह आमतौर पर पथरीली और बाँझ होती है, लेकिन घाटियों में और कई निचली पहाड़ियों पर, जहाँ यह काफी हद तक मिट्टी और रेत से बनी होती है, यह काफी उत्पादक है। )
  • If sterile equipment isn't available, the next best thing is to clean equipment with disinfectant. ( यदि रोगाणुरहित उपकरण उपलब्ध नहीं है, तो अगली सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि उपकरणों को कीटाणुनाशक से साफ किया जाए। )
  • he found the fraternity's teachings sterile ( उन्होंने बिरादरी की शिक्षाओं को निष्फल पाया )
  • Since the infant has a weak immune system, she must be kept in a sterile incubator. ( चूंकि शिशु की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली कमजोर होती है, इसलिए उसे एक बाँझ इनक्यूबेटर में रखा जाना चाहिए। )
  • the peppermints are vigorous sterile hybrids ( पुदीना जोरदार बाँझ संकर हैं )
  • By not placing a sterile dressing on the wound, you increase your risk of infection. ( घाव पर रोगाणुहीन पट्टी न लगाने से संक्रमण का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। )
  • vast tracts of sterile desert land ( बाँझ रेगिस्तानी भूमि के विशाल पथ )
  • He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings. ( उन्होंने हमेशा यह सुनिश्चित किया कि किसी भी कटौती को बाँझ ड्रेसिंग द्वारा संरक्षित किया जाए। )
  • the disease had made him sterile ( बीमारी ने उसे बाँझ बना दिया था  )
  • The high risk of infection puts a premium on the use of sterile needles. ( संक्रमण का उच्च जोखिम बाँझ सुइयों के उपयोग पर एक प्रीमियम डालता है। )

More Sentence

  • He loathed the sterile ritual of inspections, and this poor devil in his untimely end had saved him from that.
  • The hybrids thus produced are almost invariably sterile.
  • The workers, scurrying along the tracks through the undergrowth, are blind and sterile.
  • The Eifel presents a sterile, thinly-peopled plateau, covered by extensive moors in several places.
  • Cover the wound with a sterile dressing or bandage.
  • Probably sterile, he had left no sons, and a struggle for succession promptly ensued at the palace in Hue.
  • Although, unlike so many other cells, thus early sterile for reproduction of their kind, they retain for longer than most cells a high power of individual growth.
  • Of course, sterile collecting procedures add significantly to the difficulty of field work.
  • The great plain in Sheng-king is in many parts swampy, and in the neighbourhood of the sea, where the soil emits a saline exudation such as is also common in the north of China, it is perfectly sterile.
  • The vast tracts of sterile desert land were broken only by irregular patches of short, dry grasses or rough scrubland.