stampede - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of stampede in Hindi
- पशुओं की आकस्मिक भगदड़
- हलचल का पलायन
- शीघ्र-गति
- खलबली
- हड़बड़ी
stampede Definition
- a sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle, or other animals.
- (of horses, cattle, or other animals) rush wildly in a sudden mass panic.
stampede Example
- a stampede of bargain hunters ( सौदागरों की भगदड़ )
- the herd was fleeing back to the high land in a wild stampede ( झुंड एक जंगली भगदड़ में वापस उच्च भूमि की ओर भाग रहा था )
- Nome was the scene of a great gold mining stampede in 1900. ( नोम 1900 में एक महान सोने के खनन भगदड़ का दृश्य था। )
- As people were trying to get out, a stampede ensued and several people were trampled. ( जैसे ही लोग बाहर निकलने की कोशिश कर रहे थे, भगदड़ मच गई और कई लोगों को कुचल दिया गया। )
More Sentence
- Several fans were injured in the stampede for the store.
- Yank the fire alarm and keep the camera ready when they stampede for the exits.
- It took over a dozen wranglers to stop the cattle stampede.
- When the shots rang out, there was a stampede as patrons fled the nightclub.
- The horses may run in a stampede if they are frightened.
- Since the store has only a few copies of the popular videogame, its manager is expecting a stampede when the doors are opened.
- As soon as the whistle sounds, the kids will stampede through the park in search of Easter eggs.
- In the dry, conditions resemble a cattle stampede, and riders struggle not to choke on the dust.
- Some move forward to intervene, others stampede for the exits.
- In the ensuing folk rock stampede, Vanguard never did reap the huge folk rock sales of Columbia or even its indie rival Elektra.
- This will be telling you to join the stampede of people rushing to the bar to order their last drink of the evening!
- Dodging a charging cheetah or causing an elephant stampede is just a typical afternoon for tiny Tarzan!
- He gave them a wide berth, but the 2 guys a little distance in front ran very close and nearly started a stampede.
- don't let them stampede us into anything