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spouses - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of spouses in Hindi

  • जीवन साथी
  • पति
  • पत्नी
  • श्रीमती

spouses Definition

a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner. ( एक पति या पत्नी, जो अपने साथी के संबंध में माना जाता है। )

spouses Example

  • I do have a lot of sympathy for the unfamous spouse who is asked to step out of the frame during red-carpet photo calls. ( मेरे पास अपरिचित पति / पत्नी के लिए बहुत सहानुभूति है, जिन्हें रेड-कार्पेट फोटो कॉल के दौरान फ्रेम से बाहर निकलने के लिए कहा जाता है। )
  • One spouse may be under 55 as long as the other spouse is at least 55 years old. ( एक पति या पत्नी 55 से कम उम्र के हो सकते हैं, जब तक दूसरा पति कम से कम 55 साल का हो। )

More Sentence

  • And why do people cheat when they love their spouse and feel little or nothing for their extramarital partners?
  • The employed spouse is allowed to make an IRA contribution on behalf of a non-working spouse or a spouse who has little income.
  • The man feels that his spouse is slipping away from him, while she feels unable to penetrate his world.
  • What do you do when you meet the spouse of the person your spouse is having an affair with?
  • Before we leave, we each take back our stone with our spouse 's name written on it.
  • At the guesthouse that evening the head of the university foreign affairs office and his secretary come to talk to all foreign teachers and their spouses .
  • Some calls to spouses later, and the rest was history.
  • The characters continued to cheat on their spouses , let money become their obsession, and debated the American dream for the hopes of one day obtaining happiness.
  • Money and human relationships are cut off for children, spouses , younger brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers and other relatives.
  • There is no doubt that Russell made a mess of his relations with his spouses and children.
  • It is common for customers' husbands or wives to pick up pieces to surprise their spouses when they get home.
  • Explaining our extended family relationship to the children and our spouses was the source of great amusement.
  • This said, of course, while the two spouses are looking in opposite directions in the dark.
  • Rather it is their spouses and children who suffer terribly if not unbearably.
  • They took the plunge as entrepreneurial spouses in 1999 and now have a 27-employee company with $3 million in sales.
  • The practice involves commissioning studio portraits of prospective brides for presentation to potential spouses .
  • ‘Several chose their spouses , two chose students, and one chose an ex-student,’ said Pearson.
  • For example, don't give in to pressure from spouses , relatives, friends.