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sensation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of sensation in Hindi


  • सनसनी
  • उत्तेजना
  • संवेदना
  • भावना
  • संवेदन
  • महसूस
  • अनुभव

sensation Definition


  • a physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body.
  • a widespread reaction of interest and excitement.

sensation Example

  • she had the eerie sensation that she was being watched ( उसे भयानक अनुभूति हुई कि उसे देखा जा रहा है )
  • a burning sensation in the middle of the chest ( छाती के बीच में जलन महसूस होना ) 
  • She didn't exactly understand the sensation except that she didn't ever want that feeling to end. ( वह उस अनुभूति को ठीक से समझ नहीं पाई सिवाय इसके कि वह कभी नहीं चाहती थी कि वह भावना समाप्त हो। )
  • A burning sensation began in her throat and she realized she was going to heave. ( उसके गले में जलन शुरू हो गई और उसने महसूस किया कि वह गर्म होने वाली है। )

More Sentence

  • No longer was music's dependence on immediate sensations a drawback or a shortcoming, but rather the source of its strength and expressive power.
  • Another sensation rose up within her fast and hard.
  • A strange sensation made her glance down and she saw the drop of blood hit the porch.
  • Her scent and sensation of her warm skin against his was intoxicating.
  • Ratings of painful heat/burn sensations showed no significant dependence on either the frequency or the number of pulses.
  • she was a sensation, the talk of the evening
  • they had lost sensation in one or both forearms
  • his arrest for poisoning caused a sensation