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second cousin - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of second cousin in Hindi

  • दूसरा चचेरा भाई

second cousin Definition


  • a child of one's parent's first cousin.

second cousin Example

  • This hypothetical second cousin does not even know that his property is being affected. ( इस काल्पनिक दूसरे चचेरे भाई को भी नहीं पता कि उसकी संपत्ति प्रभावित हो रही है। )
  • There is no comparison at all with someone who has a second cousin in his unit. ( किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति से बिल्कुल भी तुलना नहीं की जा सकती जिसके पास उसकी इकाई में दूसरा चचेरा भाई हो। )
  • Sadly she is no longer alive so the title would now have descended to her eldest son, my second cousin. ( अफसोस की बात है कि वह अब जीवित नहीं है इसलिए यह उपाधि अब उसके सबसे बड़े बेटे, मेरे दूसरे चचेरे भाई के पास गई होगी। )
  • Would it include the second cousin of a representative or a third cousin once removed? ( क्या इसमें प्रतिनिधि के दूसरे चचेरे भाई या तीसरे चचेरे भाई को एक बार हटाए जाने के बाद शामिल किया जाएगा? )

More Sentence

  • What would happen if the commanding officer had a second cousin or some other relative in his brigade or whatever?
  • Musk called a second cousin out of the blue from the bus station and hitched a ride to his house.  
  • I am informed that one of the persons, whose conduct might have been the subject of investigation by the coroner, was, in fact, the second cousin of the man's wife.
  • One may find some obscure second cousin with antique ideas who may come along and stop what a person wished to do from being carried out.
  • It cannot have been his conscience which constrained him to leave Teresa, for his next step was to marry Berengaria of Castile, who was his second cousin.
  • He was a second cousin to the elder John Adams. His father, whose Christian name was also Samuel, was a wealthy and prominent citizen of Boston, who took an active part in the politics of the town, and was a member of the Caucus (or Caulker's) Club, with which the political term "caucus" is said to have originated; his mother was Mary Fifield.
  • He was named after Peisistratus, the youngest son of Nestor, the alleged ancestor of his family; he was second cousin on his mother's side to Solon, and numbered among his ancestors Codrus the last great king of Athens.
  • Jim 's second cousin 's wife 's brother had not been unworthy of the sacred trust reposed in him.
  • His second cousin twice removed or something like that?
  • The overseer of the manufactory is her second cousin although he does not favour her as much as she would like.
  • Kinship is not counted beyond the degree of the second cousin.
  • The earldom was inherited by a more distant heir-male, his second cousin.
  • The landgrave was a second cousin of both her parents and nine years her senior.