rid - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of rid in Hindi
- छुटकारा
- हटाना
- मुक्त करना
- छोड़ना
- छुड़ाना
rid Definition
- make someone or something free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing).
rid Example
- A CAMPAIGN to rid Grimsby of abandoned cars has resulted in more than 50 unwanted vehicles being handed over in the first 10 days. ( परित्यक्त कारों की ग्रिम्सबी से छुटकारा पाने के लिए एक अभियान के परिणामस्वरूप पहले 10 दिनों में 50 से अधिक अवांछित वाहन सौंपे गए हैं। )
- The increase comes as a blow to health and education officials who have spent the past three years trying to rid Southampton of its unwanted title as the south's teenage pregnancy hot spot. ( वृद्धि स्वास्थ्य और शिक्षा अधिकारियों के लिए एक झटका के रूप में सामने आई है, जिन्होंने पिछले तीन वर्षों में साउथ ईस्ट की टीनएज प्रेग्नेंसी हॉट स्पॉट के रूप में साउथेम्प्टन को अपने अवांछित खिताब से छुटकारा दिलाने की कोशिश की। )
- They have delivered real change on the ground and rid communities of the scourge of drugs. ( उन्होंने जमीन पर वास्तविक परिवर्तन और ड्रग्स के संकट से छुटकारा दिलाया है। )
More Sentence
- The concentration camp system also claimed millions of non-Jewish victims, though their murder was not part of the same plan as that devised to rid Europe of Jews for ever.
- boil the peel to rid it of bitterness
- she couldn't wait to be rid of us
- From 1983 to 1987 the 5th Brigade were given a free hand to rid Matabeleland of the perceived threat.
- By learning some simple facts about weeds, you can put yourself in a much better position to rid your garden of these unwanted guests.
- But young people are fighting back in South Yorkshire and today will descend on London, seeking to rid their county of its unwanted image.
- It has been discovered that the vitamin has the ability to rid your body of the free radicals that sometimes prevent oxygen being pumped around your limbs.
- we now have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons
- Touchwood sees the illegitimate child he has fathered as ‘a half a yard of flesh’ and, relieved to be rid of it with just a small financial outlay, he remarks ‘and would I were rid of all the wares in the shop so’.
- I was so relieved to be rid of him that I just kept hugging Derek over and over.
- She wanted to kill herself, right then and there, to be rid of all the pain that shattered her insides.
- Parents wanting to be rid of undesirables will be free to set up their own grammar schools with their own selection systems.
- This is something that I don't think society will ever be rid of completely.
- Bury North MP David Chaytor has welcomed a range of new powers aimed at ridding communities of the scourge of graffiti.
- Although washing and drying rids the bottles of bacteria, frequent washing accelerates the breakdown of plastic bottles made from polyethylene terephthalate, releasing toxins into the water.
- I abhor my father and was relieved to be rid of the burden of his last name.
- They don't deserve protection and the sooner society is rid of them the sooner we will have a better society.
- They said that ridding the prison system of those serving short sentences would free officers to concentrate on rehabilitation work designed to prevent serious criminals reoffending on release.
- Gorbachev blamed himself for being too concerned about playing by democratic rules and not simply ridding the party of forces opposed to his reforms when he had a chance.
- And so the Dufourgs turned to Gina Rose, a 43-year-old Arizonan whose specialty is ridding buildings of unwanted energies.
- According to medieval hagiography, Patrick's powers also encompassed raising the dead, conjuring snow on a summer's day and, of course, ridding Ireland of snakes.
- Mr Holmes, who is also a keen foxhunter, said he provided a service to local farmers by ridding their land of vermin.
- For example, a normal experience of illness is something that one suffers and seeks to be rid of as soon as possible.
- No, you threw it in the garbage, and you felt relieved and refreshed to be rid of it.
- Many evolutionists advocate euthanasia as a wonderful means to rid us of unwanted burdens.
- A company that rids buildings of cancer-causing radon says every home should be tested for the gas even if protective measures have been installed in the building and it's located in an area considered to have low levels of the gas.
- So, as you can imagine, she felt quite relieved to be rid of all that for three months.