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revoked - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of revoked in Hindi

  • निरस्त किया गया


  • रद्द करना
  • वापस लेना
  • हटाना
  • खंडन करना

revoked Definition


  • put an end to the validity or operation of (a decree, decision, or promise).
  • (in bridge, whist, and other card games) fail to follow suit despite being able to do so.

revoked Example

  • On their advice he formally revoked the constitution (1852). ( उनकी सलाह पर उन्होंने औपचारिक रूप से संविधान (1852) को रद्द कर दिया। )
  • One after another proclamations and declarations were issued which deprived the Protestants of their rights under the edict; their position was rendered intolerable by a series of persecutions which culminated in the dragonnades, and at length on the 18th of October 1685 Louis revoked the edict, thus depriving the Protestants in France of all civil and religious liberty. ( एक के बाद एक उद्घोषणाएँ और घोषणाएँ जारी की गईं, जिन्होंने फरमान के तहत प्रोटेस्टेंटों को उनके अधिकारों से वंचित कर दिया; उनकी स्थिति को अत्याचारों की एक श्रृंखला द्वारा असहनीय रूप से प्रस्तुत किया गया था, जिसकी परिणति ड्रैगननेड्स में हुई, और 18 अक्टूबर 1685 को लुइस ने इस आदेश को रद्द कर दिया, इस प्रकार फ्रांस में प्रोटेस्टेंटों को सभी नागरिक और धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता से वंचित कर दिया। )
  • At common law, a submission is generally revocable at any time before award; and it is also, in the absence of stipulation to the contrary, revoked by the death of one of the parties. ( आम कानून में, एक सबमिशन आमतौर पर पुरस्कार से पहले किसी भी समय रद्द करने योग्य होता है; और यह भी, विपरीत शर्तों के अभाव में, किसी एक पक्ष की मृत्यु द्वारा निरस्त कर दिया जाता है। )
  • Four years later its population was about 15,000, and a large Mormon temple had been built, but internal dissensions arose, "gentile" hostility was aroused, the charter of Nauvoo was revoked in 1845, two of the leaders, Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum, were killed at Carthage, the county-seat, by a mob, and in 1846 the sect was driven from the state. ( चार साल बाद इसकी आबादी लगभग 15,000 थी, और एक बड़ा मॉर्मन मंदिर बनाया गया था, लेकिन आंतरिक असंतोष उत्पन्न हुआ, "नास्तिक" शत्रुता पैदा हुई, 1845 में नौवू के चार्टर को रद्द कर दिया गया, दो नेताओं, जोसेफ स्मिथ और उनके भाई हिरुम , काउंटी-सीट, कार्थेज में एक भीड़ द्वारा मारे गए थे, और 1846 में संप्रदाय को राज्य से खदेड़ दिया गया था। )

More Sentence

  • In r608 Captain Hawkins visited Jahangir at Agra, and obtained permission to build a factory at Surat, which was subsequently revoked, and in 1609 some English merchants obtained an unstable footing at Surat.
  • Before the change could be effected, however, Gordon resigned his post in the Sudan, and his successor revoked the order.
  • This exequatur, called in Turkey a barat, may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the government where he resides.
  • Elected Italian deputy in 1861, he succeeded Cavour in the premiership. As premier he admitted the Garibaldian volunteers to the regular army, revoked the decree of exile against Mazzini, and attempted reconciliation with the Vatican; but his efforts were rendered ineffectual by the non possumus of the pope.
  • In 50 the senate by a very large majority revoked the extraordinary powers conceded to Pompey and Caesar in Spain and Gaul respectively, and called upon them to disband their armies.
  • But for the moment the king seemed triumphant; he called a parliament which revoked the, ordinances of 13f I, and replaced the Despensers in power.
  • In 1842 the government revoked his license and he retired for the rest of his life to Rixdorf, near Berlin.
  • In 1647 he seized a Dutch ship illegally trading at New Haven and claimed jurisdiction as far as Cape Cod; the New Haven authorities refused to deliver to him fugitives from justice in Manhattan; he retaliated by offering refuge to runaways from New Haven; but finally he offered pardon to the Dutch fugitives and revoked his proclamation.
  • The Bank of the Commonwealth was chartered in 1820 as a state institution and the charter of the Bank of Kentucky was revoked in 1822.
  • But this concession, grudgingly made, only remained in force for a few years, and on the death of the pope (1464) was revoked altogether, save in the case of members of the Piccolomini house, who were decreed to be popolani and were allowed to retain all their privileges.
  • Meanwhile the Basques and Bretons, asserting that they were being ruined by de Monts' privileges, got his patent revoked, and Champlain returned with the discouraged colonists to Europe.
  • The enfranchisement of villeins granted by Richard at the Mile End conference was revoked by parliament in 1382, and no permanent results were obtained for the peasants by Wat.