restriction - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of restriction in Hindi
- बंधन
- प्रतिबंध
- रोक
- सीमा
- संयम
- यंत्रण
restriction Definition
- a limiting condition or measure, especially a legal one.
restriction Example
- the restriction of local government power ( स्थानीय सरकार की शक्ति का प्रतिबंध )
- Their success is conditional, I suggest, on this restriction. ( उनकी सफलता सशर्त है, मेरा सुझाव है, इस प्रतिबंध पर। )
- The park is open to the public without restriction. ( पार्क बिना किसी प्रतिबंध के जनता के लिए खुला है। )
- Some restriction on funding was necessary. ( धन पर कुछ प्रतिबंध आवश्यक था। )
- The 30 mph speed restriction applies in all built - up areas. ( 30 मील प्रति घंटे की गति प्रतिबंध सभी निर्मित क्षेत्रों में लागू होता है। )
- A diet to lose weight relies on calorie restriction in order to obtain results. ( वजन कम करने के लिए आहार परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए कैलोरी प्रतिबंध पर निर्भर करता है। )
More Sentence
- The regulations were seen as a restriction on personal freedom.
- Citizens of the EU can travel without restriction within the EU.
- But restrictions make it harder to practice artistry, Ladd said.
- Those restrictions have not disappeared with the withdrawal of Israeli forces.
- Regardless of any restrictions, a customized system is a must.
- She therefore contended that the restriction was unreasonable and thus unenforceable.
- The department will determine what restrictions might be placed upon Wachtler.
- These ( trade ) restrictions are being canceled step by step,
- Supporters deny that the proposed restrictions are directed at New York.
- Federal wilderness designation offers perhaps the stingiest land-use restrictions.
- The proposed restrictions were somewhat softened when the measure was passed.
- And the club has put no restrictions on his musical career.
- It's difficult to see restriction in a sentence .
- This restriction creates a barrier for global electronic commerce.
- Some states have enacted such a restriction.
- Water restriction would lead to more obvious hypertonicity.
- Abbreviations for restriction enzyme sites: H, Hin dIII.
- The defence asked for reporting restriction to be lifted.
- However, no proper geometrical solution, in Plato's sense, was obtained; in fact it is now generally agreed that, with such a restriction, the problem is insoluble.
- The potential restriction of physician income is a major sore point.
- This restriction is often imposed to avoid prolonged arguments between seller and buyer.
- This restriction of the term has some historical justification: in the First Prayer Book of Edward VI.
- The only restriction is how often the person receiving the email checks his or her mailbox.
- Until the year 1840 the fellows were bound to celibacy, but that restriction was then removed.
- Weight reduction, purine restriction, and cessation of ethanol use should be accomplished.
- Charles, by contrast, had known nothing but restriction and discipline.
- The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows and exaggeration of wall space.
- A more subtle form of restriction is to proceed by a philosophy akin to that of apartheid.