resolution - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of resolution in Hindi
- प्रस्ताव
- संकल्प
- समाधान
- प्रण
- स्थिरता
- स्थिरता
resolution Definition
- a firm decision to do or not to do something.
- the quality of being determined or resolute.
- the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.
- the process of reducing or separating something into its components.
- the smallest interval measurable by a scientific (especially optical) instrument; the resolving power.
- the smallest interval measurable by a scientific (especially optical) instrument; the resolving power.
resolution Example
- he handled the last French actions of the war with resolution ( उन्होंने संकल्प के साथ युद्ध की अंतिम फ्रांसीसी कार्रवाइयों को संभाला )
- a successful resolution to the problem ( उन्होंने संकल्प के साथ युद्ध की अंतिम फ्रांसीसी कार्रवाइयों को संभाला )
- she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more ( उसने ऐनी को और नहीं देखने का अपना संकल्प रखा )
- a New Year's resolution ( एक नए साल का संकल्प )
More Sentence
- The resolution in his face was unmistakable.
- Following that resolution, she was up at five the next morning getting ready for work.
- The resolution in his voice floored her.
- A similar resolution was successful in the House of Lords.
- His New Year’s resolution was to run three times a week, but only a month into the year he had already failed.
- On the 29th of January 1850 Henry Clay presented the famous resolution which constituted the basis of the ultimate compromise.
- This policy was adopted by Congress, which agreed upon a joint peace resolution, signed by him on July 2.
- The Emperor's mild and handsome face was flushed and his eyes gleamed with resolution and anger.
- After years of fighting between the nations, it was nice to finally reach a peaceful resolution.
- Rhyn saw the resolution on Kris's face. "I swear it," Rhyn said.
- Resolution, vigour and clear sight marked his conduct as a commander-in-chief.
- He supported the Knox resolution declaring that war with Germany was ended.
- the gradual resolution of an uncertain feeling into a named emotion
- complete remission was defined as resolution of clinical evidence of disease
- tension is released by the resolution from the dominant to the tonic chord
- the peaceful resolution of all disputes