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redical - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of redical in Hindi

  • रेडिकल

redical Definition


  • very new and different from what is traditional or ordinary
  • very basic and important

redical Example

  • Since 1870 there have been five radical changes made in New South Wales. ( 1870 के बाद से न्यू साउथ वेल्स में पांच आमूलचूल परिवर्तन हुए हैं। )
  • History is full of radical breaks with the past that only seem to have come out of nowhere but were, in fact, predictable. ( इतिहास अतीत के साथ आमूलचूल विराम से भरा है जो केवल कहीं से निकला प्रतीत होता है, लेकिन वास्तव में, अनुमानित था। ) 
  • They imply a lively sense of radical human need. ( वे कट्टरपंथी मानवीय आवश्यकता की एक जीवंत भावना का संकेत देते हैं। )
  • He was prominent as a radical in all measures in opposition to the British government, and was a member of the first Virginia committee of correspondence. ( वह ब्रिटिश सरकार के विरोध में सभी उपायों में एक कट्टरपंथी के रूप में प्रमुख थे, और पत्राचार की पहली वर्जीनिया समिति के सदस्य थे। )

More Sentence

  • That in the Duma any Radical elements survive at all is mainly due to the peculiar franchise enjoyed by the seven largest towns - St Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Riga and the Polish cities of Warsaw and Lodz.
  • Witt looked more like a Wall Street executive than a radical.
  • Today, radicals again are threatening the stability of our republic.
  • The two sides are discussing radical changes in their working relationship.
  • The changeover apparently does not mean radical changes in the defense.
  • It shows a radical right-wing streak in Newt Gingrich.
  • For the FDA is a prime target of the radical Republicans.
  • But it is hardly a pack of wild-eyed radicals.
  • A radical feminist blankety-blank something-or-other.
  • Kent State was a heartland school, neither posh nor radical.
  • Our crew said it didn't particularly want anything radical.
  • His first care was to carry out the instructions received from home, and effect a radical reform in the system of government.
  • At the same time the military and financial requirements dislocated the local and central administration, and consequently a series of radical administrative reforms had to be undertaken.
  • This was clearly perceived and keenly felt by the educated classes, and as soon as the strong hand of the uncompromising autocrat was withdrawn, they clamoured loudly for radical changes in the aims and methods of their rulers.
  • This speech, which, according to reports, was extremely radical and denied the right of the king to disallow acts of the colonial legislature, made Henry the idol of the common people of Virginia and procured for him an enormous practice.