recipes - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of recipes in Hindi
recipes Definition
- a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.
- something which is likely to lead to a particular outcome.
- a medical prescription.
recipes Example
- I'll send you the recipe. ( मैं आपको नुस्खा भेजूंगा। )
- Can you give me the recipe? ( क्या आप मुझे नुस्खा दे सकते हैं? )
- Omit the salt in this recipe. ( इस रेसिपी में नमक छोड़ दें। )
- You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe. ( आप इस रेसिपी में मक्खन की जगह तेल की जगह ले सकते हैं। )
More sentence
- I need some apples for this recipe.
- This decision was a recipe for disaster:.
- I gave this recipe a shot, and it worked!.
- This is an old recipe from my childhood.
- My goal is to sample every hold’s recipe.
- She shared this family recipe with my mother.
- Day 10: Print off three copies of this recipe.
- The best recipe for ordinary use allows ¾ lb.
- NOW, here comes the work part of this recipe:.
- Ah, but Poopsie gave me the recipe for that.
- Make sure you have followed that recipe first.
- This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.
- This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
- You'll need a can of tuna for this recipe.
- I got this recipe from Mary.
- What's your favorite recipe?
- I got this recipe from a magazine.
- The recipe calls for oodles of melted chocolate.
- What's her recipe for success?
- You need 250g of grated cheese for this recipe.
- The ales are brewed to an original Yorkshire recipe.
- The standard Bayesian recipe is to predict the probability of each possibility and then choose the possibility which minimizes the expected loss.
- This recipe makes enough to serve four as a main course, more as a side dish.
- This white chocolate tiffin recipe is mouth-wateringly delicious and so simple to make!
- Take five guys with no brains and a job that's too good to be true and you have the recipe for one of the funniest crime capers in recent years.
- My recipe for today is for chicken tikka, not to be confused with chicken tikka masala.
- Don't just read a recipe book, read as many books as you can get your grubby paws on.
- A secret drugs recipe to replace the banned miaow miaow is being sold to gangs across the UK, the paper reports.
- Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.
- Turning away under a strong attack is a sure recipe for defeat.
- Looking for inspiration for a new dessert? Try this recipe.
- Do you know where my recipe book is?
- I want the recipe for this. It's delicious.