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quotient - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of quotient in Hindi

  • लब्धि
  • भागफल


  • भाग
  • हिस्सा
  • भजनफल
  • गुणक

quotient Definition


  • a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
  • a degree or amount of a specified quality or characteristic.

quotient Example

  • the increase in Washington's cynicism quotient ( वाशिंगटन के निंदक भागफल में वृद्धि )
  • The first, and most important, is that the quotient is placed above the dividend. ( पहला, और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण, यह है कि भागफल को लाभांश के ऊपर रखा जाता है। )
  • This quotient is called the change of entropy, and may be denoted by (4,"-0'). ( इस भागफल को एन्ट्रापी का परिवर्तन कहा जाता है, और इसे (4,"-0') द्वारा निरूपित किया जा सकता है। )
  • A child is born with a certain intelligence quotient. ( एक बच्चा एक निश्चित बुद्धि भागफल के साथ पैदा होता है। )  

More Sentence

  • The output of the expert system is a trust quotient, in the range from zero to one.
  • He for sure did not want to disturb her intimacy quotient but he had his doubts.
  • But he had miscalculated the Congress’s loyalty quotient for the Gandhi family.
  • He might have a high intelligence quotient, but essentially he is an ignorant person.
  • That's right folks, the Life-to-Planet Totality Quotient is real and in full effect.
  • Having old Paddy at the transitions and takedown increases the improbability quotient, since.
  • But I’m afraid I’m still a little more dubious about my sanity quotient than my friends are.
  • Yeah that cheron allocation quotient thing you were trying to tell me about all those years ago.
  • Won’t that be fine with me? Going by his confidence quotient, Sathyam shouldn’t have made much in his career.
  • She learned this as companies formed and while thinking about the confidence quotient integrating into ultimately, value.
  • Band exposure quotient The sum of the frequency exposure quotients of a band at a location.
  • If the code is 4, and the second number is not zero, compute the quotient (first divided by second ).
  • It follows from these equations that the logarithm of the product of any number of quantities is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the quantities, that the logarithm of the quotient of two quantities is equal to the logarithm of the numerator diminished by the logarithm of the denominator, that the logarithm of the rth power of a quantity is equal to r times the logarithm of the quantity, and that the logarithm of the rth root of a quantity is equal to (r/r)th of the logarithm of the quantity.
  • The value of x is found immediately from the quotient M/F.
  • In incomplete partition the quotient is 3, and the remainders 11 and 17 are in effect disregarded; if, after finding the quotient 3, we want to know what remainder would be produced by'a direct division, the simplest method is to multiply 3 by 2 4 0 and subtract the result from 935.
  • This function returns the quotient of V by the maximal submodule not containing the highest weight vector.