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qualified - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of qualified in Hindi


  • योग्य
  • लायक़
  • गुण-संपन्न
  • अर्हता प्राप्त

qualified Definition


  • officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified.
  • not complete or absolute; limited.

qualified Example

  • I could only judge this CD a qualified success ( मैं केवल इस सीडी को एक योग्य सफलता के रूप में आंक सकता था )
  • He then went to Paris to study medicine, but after two years returned to London, where, in 1832, he qualified as L.S.A. ( फिर वे चिकित्सा का अध्ययन करने के लिए पेरिस गए, लेकिन दो साल बाद लंदन लौट आए, जहां, 1832 में, उन्होंने एल.एस.ए. के रूप में योग्यता प्राप्त की। )
  • There's no one more qualified to help you. ( आपकी मदद करने के लिए और कोई योग्य नहीं है। )
  • In1739-1740he qualified as university lecturer. ( 1739-1740 में उन्होंने विश्वविद्यालय के व्याख्याता के रूप में योग्यता प्राप्त की। )

More Sentence

  • The high and heavy cars, the high speeds, the severe weather in the northern states in winter, the fluctuating nature of the business, resulting often in the employment of poorly qualified men and in other irregularities, are among the causes of this state of things.
  • We are looking for qualified members to become leaders for the site.
  • The senate consists of princes of the blood who have attained their majority, and of an unlimited number of senators above forty years of age, who are qualified under any one of twenty-one specified categoriesby having either held high office, or attained celebrity in science, literature, &c. In 1908 there were 318 senators exclusive of five members of the royal family.
  • Just occasionally it is a qualified report.
  • T-shirt, which barely qualified as clothing.
  • Maude is well qualified for his present work.
  • Many of their lawyers are dual qualified too.
  • This is driving highly qualified people crazy.
  • The one oath qualified and explained the other.
  • What was coming out of me qualified me for both.
  • There were dozens of politicians more qualified.
  • It is for this reason that Jesus is qualified to.
  • He is much more qualified to expand on this topic.
  • He himself was qualified to be the legitimate head of a united state, for he was of the tribe of Aaron.
  • It will be observed that the legality of the trial, in so far as the jurors were not properly qualified and the law of treason was shamefully strained, was denied in the act of William & Mary which annulled the attainder.
  • But these two masters of English were not perhaps the best qualified to relate the story.
  • For most of these, however, we have no authority but Lee's own impressions of style, &c.; and consequently, though the best qualified judges will in most cases agree that Defoe may very likely have written them, it cannot positively be stated that he did.
  • newly qualified nurses
  • I was less well qualified than almost anyone present to recollect the olden days