provoke - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of provoke in Hindi
- उत्तेजित देना
- प्रदीप्त करना
- चिढ़ाना
- खिजलाना
- उत्तेजित करना
- प्रकुपित करना
provoke Definition
- stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.
provoke Example
- a teacher can provoke you into working harder ( एक शिक्षक आपको अधिक मेहनत करने के लिए उकसा सकता है )
- At home, however, it undoubtedly tended to provoke that very revolution which it was intended to prevent. ( हालाँकि, घर पर, यह निस्संदेह उसी क्रांति को भड़काने के लिए प्रवृत्त था, जिसे रोकने का इरादा था। )
- But repression served only to provoke opposition. ( लेकिन दमन ने केवल विरोध भड़काने का काम किया। )
- When the political candidate exposed his rival’s lavish spending habits, he hoped to provoke feelings of resentment among the voters. ( जब राजनीतिक उम्मीदवार ने अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी की फिजूलखर्ची की आदतों का पर्दाफाश किया, तो उसने मतदाताओं के बीच नाराजगी की भावनाओं को भड़काने की उम्मीद की। )
More Sentence
- The public hopes the financial bailout of car manufacturers will provoke an inquiry into the spending habits of corporate giants.
- The politician has made a number of provocative speeches which have drawn the anger of civil rights activists throughout the country.
- Some guy at a bar tried to provoke him into a fight, but he wouldn't go for it.
- The attack on the Amritsar temple provoked intense outrage among Sikhs throughout the world.
- The young boy was provoked into stealing a car by his new friends.
- She wore a tight, low-cut sweater, which was quite provocative.
- She continually provokes her little brother by telling him how stupid he is.
- Hopefully the questions asked by the teacher will provoke meaningful class discussion.
- If you provoke your dog, it might bite you in response.
- The teacher’s dull lecture failed to provoke any student interest.
- If not, I'm sure I can provoke you.
- A hot iron is applied to the skin to burn through into the damaged tendon to provoke a healing response.
- Depression in the silk trade could provoke widespread unrest.