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protocol - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of protocol in Hindi

  • मसविदा बनाना
  • प्रोटोकॉल
  • नवाचार


  • संलेख
  • मूल लिपि
  • रिपोर्ट
  • आदिलेख
  • रूदाद


  • रिपोर्ट करना
  • मसविदा बनाना

protocol Definition


  • the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions.
  • the original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty agreed to in conference and signed by the parties.
  • a formal or official record of scientific experimental observations.
  • a set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.

protocol Example

  • protocol forbids the prince from making any public statement in his defense ( प्रोटोकॉल राजकुमार को अपने बचाव में कोई भी सार्वजनिक बयान देने से रोकता है )
  • the low doses of morphine recommended in the protocol ( प्रोटोकॉल में अनुशंसित मॉर्फिन की कम खुराक )
  • what is the protocol at a conference if one's neighbor dozes off during the speeches? ( यदि किसी का पड़ोसी भाषण के दौरान सो जाता है तो सम्मेलन में प्रोटोकॉल क्या होता है? )
  • On the 16th of November a protocol of the London conference placed the Morea, with the neighbouring islands and the Cyclades, under the guarantee of the powers; and on the 22nd of March 1829 another protocol extended the frontier thus guaranteed to the line Arta-Volo and included the island of Euboea. ( 16 नवंबर को लंदन सम्मेलन के एक प्रोटोकॉल ने मोरिया को, पड़ोसी द्वीपों और साइक्लेड्स के साथ, शक्तियों की गारंटी के तहत रखा; और 22 मार्च 1829 को एक अन्य प्रोटोकॉल ने सीमा का विस्तार किया और इस प्रकार लाइन आर्टा-वोलो की गारंटी दी और इसमें यूबोआ द्वीप भी शामिल था। )

More Sentence

  • Austria and Prussia accepted the protocol, but it was not signed by tho diet.
  • I was using a POP3 protocol, a new protocol to retrieve emails on the Internet.
  • Was able to you're trying to the Kyoto protocol.
  • The Disability Co-ordinator follows a standardized protocol in processing a PIN form.
  • Protocol calls for one downspout for each 30 feet of gutter.
  • And that has led to situations for which no protocol exists.
  • An environmental protocol was added to the Antarctic Treaty in 1991.
  • A protocol is a detailed blueprint of a particular treatment plan.
  • A local hospital invoked its " bomb protocol ."
  • None of the steps which may be expected to feature in a pre-action protocol were taken.
  • Using the TCP/IP protocol, each device is identified by its IP Address.
  • The initial network rollout will use the Gigabit Ethernet protocol to provide up to 1000 Mbps speeds.
  • A famous 1996 no-go theorem by Lo, Chau, and Mayers claims that no such protocol exists, but has been repeatedly challenged.
  • In addition to the administration of the foreign customs service, the establishment of a postal service in the provinces devolved upon him, and after the signing of the protocol of 1901 he was called upon to organize a native customs service at the treaty ports.
  • Hungary and the Soviet Union signed a trade protocol
  • a study protocol approved by the ethics committee of the hospital
  • a protocol to the treaty allowed for this Danish referendum