probed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of probed in Hindi
- जांच की
- सलाई से टटोलना
- थाह लेना
- परख करना
- जाँच-पड़ताल करना
probed Definition
- physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument.
probed Example
- Almost every gamer would rather spend a year being probed by aliens than have to contact Sony support for even the gravest of reasons. ( लगभग हर गेमर एक साल बिताने के बजाय एलियंस द्वारा जांच की जा रही है की तुलना में भी कारणों की भीषण के लिए सोनी समर्थन से संपर्क करना होगा। )
- Reno also declined to predict when the probe might be finished. ( रेनो ने भी भविष्यवाणी करने से मना कर दिया जब जांच समाप्त हो सकती है। )
- And we must probe the deepest meaning of the terms we are trying to be accurate about. ( और हमें उन शब्दों के गहरे अर्थ की जांच करनी चाहिए, जिनके बारे में हम सटीक होने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। )
- Fortunately, the only a risk would be using the same logic for calculating a trajectory for landing a probe on Titan. ( सौभाग्य से, केवल एक जोखिम टाइटन पर एक जांच की लैंडिंग के लिए एक प्रक्षेपवक्र की गणना के लिए एक ही तर्क का उपयोग किया जाएगा। )
More Sentence
- Texas Parks and Wildlife biologists probed the riverbed's sediments.
- He suggested that Lotstein spearheaded the probe to satisfy a grudge.
- The flame should be focused on the thermocouple probe.
- The probe began this summer and was first revealed last week.
- A probe was slipped inside the sleeve known as a cannula.
- Federal authorities also are probing Fuhrman for potential civil rights violations.
- The probe continued, with help from whistleblowers within the industry.
- It's difficult to see probed in a sentence .
- Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy allowed the chemisorption bonds of both surface modifiers and reactant molecules to be probed with high spectral resolution.
- They saw the attack as mere " probing ."
- You may have to get up on the ledge or building, then use your jetpack to fly higher to get the probe.
- Bonavita faces a federal probe of his union's finances.
- Olsten already faces two shareholder lawsuits in connection with the probe.
- All banks and individual involved in the probes deny any wrongdoing.
- It's difficult to see probed in a sentence .
- Although Republicans dismissed the probe as " technical,"