primary occupation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of primary occupation in Hindi
primary occupation Definition
- an activity in which one engages
primary occupation Example
- Kristoffer Osterman teaches religion and social sciences as a primary occupation. ( क्रिस्टोफर ओस्टरमैन प्राथमिक व्यवसाय के रूप में धर्म और सामाजिक विज्ञान पढ़ाते हैं। )
- As with many other countries, the primary occupation was farming. ( कई अन्य देशों की तरह, प्राथमिक व्यवसाय खेती था। )
- Agriculture was the primary occupation of the people in these parts. ( इन भागों में लोगों का प्राथमिक व्यवसाय कृषि था। )
- The primary occupation of Muslims is to weave clothes in powerlooms. ( मुसलमानों का प्राथमिक पेशा पावरलूम में कपड़े बुनना है। )
More Sentence
- The primary occupation is the farming of agriculture products including mangoes.
- Primary occupations within Zabul are agriculture and animal husbandry.
- The primary occupation in this small village is agriculture.
- Chrysalis'primary occupation is the selling of information.
- But, as far as occupation goes, agriculture was the primary occupation.
- Fishing is the primary occupation of the people all.
- So that will continue to be my primary occupation, I hope.
- Borodin's primary occupation was chemistry, including research and teaching.
- The primary occupations are agriculture, animal husbandry, and day labor.
- Upland rice farming is the primary occupation of most adults.
- The primary occupation of the Koderi people is tea plantation.
- It's difficult to see primary occupation in a sentence .
- Agriculture is the primary occupation of the residents of Talui.
- The population of Fundong is mostly rural with farming as primary occupation.
- Working in shifts allowed women to maintain their primary occupations.