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precious - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of precious in Hindi

  • कीमती
  • बहुमूल्य
  • मूल्यवान
  • प्रिय
  • महंगा
  • उत्कृष्ट
  • अनमोल

precious Definition


  • (of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. ( (किसी वस्तु, पदार्थ या संसाधन का) बड़े मूल्य पर; लापरवाही से बर्बाद या इलाज नहीं किया जाना है। )
  • affectedly concerned with elegant or refined behavior, language, or manners. ( सुरुचिपूर्ण या परिष्कृत व्यवहार, भाषा, या शिष्टाचार से प्रभावित। )


  • used as a term of address to a beloved person. ( किसी प्रिय व्यक्ति के पते के शब्द के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। )

precious Example

  • One of the most beneficial meditations in Buddhism is to contemplate how fortunate we are to have this precious life. ( बौद्ध धर्म में सबसे लाभदायक ध्यान में से एक यह है कि इस बहुमूल्य जीवन के लिए हम कितने भाग्यशाली हैं। )
  • ‘They are playing with the communities that are precious to me and they're playing with my life as a worker,’ he said. ( With वे उन समुदायों के साथ खेल रहे हैं जो मेरे लिए अनमोल हैं और वे एक कार्यकर्ता के रूप में मेरे जीवन के साथ खेल रहे हैं, 'उन्होंने कहा। )
  • I know we can't go around as if ‘walking on egg shells’, but it would be a move in the right direction to confirm to our partner that they are still very precious to us. ( मुझे पता है कि अगर हम अंडे के छिलके पर चल रहे हैं तो हम इधर-उधर नहीं जा सकते हैं, लेकिन यह सही दिशा में हमारे साथी की पुष्टि करने के लिए एक कदम होगा कि वे अभी भी हमारे लिए बहुत कीमती हैं। )
  • Forthrightness can override a too precious concern for complete accuracy. ( पूर्वाभास पूर्ण सटीकता के लिए बहुत कीमती चिंता को पार कर सकता है। )
  • His art is refined but never precious , and the voice per se is simply ravishing. ( उनकी कला परिष्कृत है, लेकिन कभी कीमती नहीं है, और प्रति से आवाज बस दिलकश है। )

More Sentence

  • Along with the fund-raising came an even more critical search - a quest to find a contributor of something more precious than cash.
  • She said: ‘He was so precious to me and the thought that I might lose him… all I could do was cry, sit and cry.’
  • She could see the concerned look decorating her precious face.
  • The results suggested a ragtag yard sale, but for the handwritten notes explaining why each object was so precious to the possessor.
  • Nothing in the musical treatment is contrived, pretentious or remotely precious .
  • The site borders the River Spey and residents are concerned that precious soakaway or catchment land will be removed, sending high waters flooding on to the new estates.
  • Language is a precious element of cinema because it is a privileged element of mankind.
  • Our most precious heritage, our English language, is also suffering.
  • In 1634, the desire to own the precious tulip was so great it directly affected the entire Dutch economy.
  • AT THIS time of year the plants in our gardens are using every last drop of energy they've got to produce those last magnificent blooms that are so precious to gardeners.
  • If we don't squander this precious space on parking, we could do all manner of interesting things on this site, which could be linked through foot and cycle tracks to the rest of Trowbridge.
  • We were not rich, but we had a few bits of furniture and other treasures that were precious to us and we took as much as we could, including our piano.
  • When photocopied, photographs become ephemeral and therefore less precious .
  • The further expansion of higher education in the 1960s made the prizes too precious to share.
  • Then he loses a watch precious to his grandfather.
  • Inside the red box was a diamond necklace, engraved with several other precious gems.
  • This vitality is precious : through our behavior and life-style, we can either nourish or else dissipate it.
  • I spent my time doing chores and praying, leaving precious little time for friendships.
  • It was a view of the village from our home and was very precious to me, but now it is just a charred frame hanging on the wall.
  • There may be precious little grace in these streets, but there's a precious lot of talent in these pages.
  • I will treat you with the utmost delicate care and concern, as if you were a precious flower.
  • I wanted to have something precious to love and care for; it wasn't simply enough to be loved anymore.
  • I would like to offer my sincere apologies for wasting precious seconds of your life.
  • Your eyes are precious to you… but they are only a ‘window’ for your soul.
  • The democracy of manners is a precious achievement.