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poop - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of poop in Hindi


  • गोली चलाने की आवाज़
  • पिछाड़ी
  • दबूसी
  • बेवक़ूफ़
  • अहमक़
  • जहाज़ का सब से पिछला भाग


  • कुंहलाना
  • गोली चलाना
  • गोली मारना
  • दग़ना
  • थकाना
  • थका डालना
  • मुरझाना
  • जहाज के सबसे पीछे का भाग

poop Definition


  • the aftermost and highest deck of a ship, especially in a sailing ship where it typically forms the roof of a cabin in the stern.


  • (of a wave) break over the stern of (a ship), sometimes causing it to capsize.

poop Example

  • there on the poop stood Captain Meech ( वहाँ पूप पर खड़ा था कप्तान Meech )
  • I'm the poop the black sheep left behind in the pen. ( मैं कलम में पीछे छूट गई काली भेड़ का शिकार हूँ। )
  • Did the Boston sisters get all the poop on Annie before you got there? ( क्या आपके वहां पहुंचने से पहले बोस्टन की बहनों को एनी पर पूरी तरह से गुस्सा आ गया था? )
  • Once your child has successfully used the potty, you and she can look at her pee pee or poop and talk about what she has just accomplished. ( एक बार जब आपका बच्चा सफलतापूर्वक पॉटी का उपयोग कर लेता है, तो आप और वह उसके पेशाब या शौच को देख सकते हैं और बात कर सकते हैं कि उसने अभी क्या हासिल किया है। )

More Sentence

  • I been trying to find out some poop about that guy on the Internet but it's a whole lot easier checking out hundred year old folks than living ones.
  • Poop head, how three year old of you.
  • I knew I had to poop, but I could not.
  • You poop on our junctions and on the.
  • Monkeys poop and pee whenever they want.
  • Poop, she said and started laughing.
  • I had poop smeared all over my face?
  • But then I've seen her poop outside before.
  • You might think your poop don't stink, bro.
  • Man, that pile of poop was almost the size.
  • Snowman Poop: Add a clip art image of a snowman and a tag that says "Snowman Poop" to a bag of mini marshmallows for a gift that's sure to be a hit with young children.
  • I got all the poop!
  • I got the poop on Shipton's condition.
  • Maybe I can fish around on the Internet and dig up some poop.
  • This type of children's potty training aid is essentially a small child-sized potty, where the toddler will pee and poop into a bowl that is then emptied into the real toilet.
  • If you folks are committed to playing in this sand box, I'll do what I can to scrape out the cat poop but don't expect encouragement from me.