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poineer - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of poineer in Hindi

  • प्रथम अन्वेषक


  • अग्र-दूत
  • अगुआ
  • प्रथम अन्वेषक
  • खोज करनेवाला
  • नेता
  • मार्ग-निर्माता


  • पहला
  • प्रथम
  • नया
  • नव
  • नमूने का
  • जाँच का


  • मार्ग दिखलाना
  • मार्ग बतलाना
  • रास्ता बतलाना
  • संचालन करना
  • निशाना लगाना
  • पायोनिर

poineer Definition


  • a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.


  • develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity).

poineer Example

  • a famous pioneer of birth control ( जन्म नियंत्रण के एक प्रसिद्ध अग्रणी )
  • He was the pioneer of British canoeing. ( वह ब्रिटिश कैनोइंग के प्रणेता थे। )
  • Atlanta owes its origin to the development of pioneer railroads of Georgia. ( अटलांटा की उत्पत्ति जॉर्जिया के अग्रणी रेलमार्गों के विकास के कारण हुई है। )
  • For Dr. Howe is the great pioneer on whose work that of Miss Sullivan and other teachers of the deaf-blind immediately depends. ( डॉ. होवे के लिए वह महान पथप्रदर्शक हैं जिनके काम पर मिस सुलिवन और बधिर-अंधे के अन्य शिक्षकों का काम तुरंत निर्भर करता है। )

More Sentence

  • He was a pioneer in the fields of patrology and of biblical archaeology.
  • James calls his work the "last word" of the earlier stage of psychology, but he was in reality the pioneer of the new.
  • She didn't tell me anything about the Pioneer Woman.
  • During the activities, workers discovered graves of early white pioneers.
  • This cemetery is where the pioneers of this area are buried.
  • Boston Beer isn't the only scent-strip pioneer.
  • But the women don't necessarily see themselves as pioneers.
  • You could always palm off the Pioneer speakers to a pal.
  • The pioneer and the cowboy are part of the national mythology.
  • Over all, the Pioneers lost nine one-run games.
  • It's difficult to see pioneer in a sentence .
  • It was a noble idea, fairly oozing with pioneer spirit.
  • Some historians call the Norwegian seafaring pioneers the greatest shipbuilders ever.
  • At Allahabad is published the Pioneer, perhaps the best known English paper in India
  • The home mission as the pioneer in opening up new fields of labour, and the endowment scheme which renders permanent the religious centres that the mission has founded, are both traceable to Dr Chalmers.
  • The only developed parks are Pioneer and City Hall, both small, and Liberty Park (I io acres), in which Brigham Young built a grist mill in 1852 and which was bought from his estate by the city in 1880.
  • He possessed vast and varied learning, perfect calmness and impartiality, and great power of historical insight, and is now looked back to as the pioneer in the movement for the economic interpretation of history.
  • While, therefore, it is a profound mistake to regard Bacon as a great constructive philosopher, or even as a lonely pioneer of modern thought, it is quite unfair to speak of him as a trifler.