plunge - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of plunge in Hindi
- डुबकी
- प्रवेश
- तैरने का तालाब
- कूद
- गोता
plunge Definition
- an act of jumping or diving into water.
- jump or dive quickly and energetically.
- push or thrust quickly.
plunge Example
- At 6 o'clock, roused by the réveille, we scurry to the bath-room, take the prescribed cold plunge , and then dress. ( 6 बजे, रैवेइल से रूबरू होकर, हम स्नान-कक्ष में खुरचते हैं, निर्धारित ठंडी डुबकी लेते हैं, और फिर कपड़े पहनते हैं। )
- The Liberal Democrats warned that forcing people to save for their retirement could plunge many further into financial difficulty. ( लिबरल डेमोक्रेट्स ने चेतावनी दी कि लोगों को अपनी सेवानिवृत्ति के लिए बचाने के लिए मजबूर करने से वित्तीय कठिनाई में कई और गिरावट आ सकती है। )
- Given the plunge in the value of Wolfson after its profits warning, that looks like a courageous statement. ( अपने मुनाफे की चेतावनी के बाद वोल्फसन के मूल्य में गिरावट को देखते हुए, यह एक साहसी कथन की तरह दिखता है। )
More Sentence
- A sharp plunge in the dollar would dramatically reduce the value of these assets, reducing the wealth of foreign investors.
- A company's stock price could plunge when earnings fall, but its bonds could remain hot if it has a strong enough revenue stream to service its debt.
- The central bank attributed the steady plunge of the gross national savings rate to a rapid fall of savings in the household sector.
- It alleges they breached their duties and wants creditors to be compensated for the company's plunge in value before it finally collapsed in May last year.
- to peel fruit, cover with boiling water and then plunge them into iced water
- cover the cucumbers with boiling water and then plunge them into iced water
- Yes, but we need research before we plunge in - this isn't simple stuff.
- The point is that falling prices are simply not the cause of a plunge in profits and increase in the burden of debt.
- It is believed he was under the water for at least two minutes, causing him to take in a lot of water and making his temperature plunge .
- A handy tip is to plunge the small onions into boiling water for a minute before peeling them to make the job a lot easier.
- overconfident researchers who plunge ahead
- Not that he is jumping at joy at the recent plunge in our growth rate from 11% to near zero.
- The news follows a major review by Glanbia of its operation following indications of a major plunge in sales from next month.
- It misstepped making its getaway and performed a spectacular cartwheeling plunge into the water between our canoes.
- we went straight from the sauna to take a cold plunge
- Although peeling isn't essential because this variety has a rather thin skin, it is an easy matter to plunge them into boiling water, drain and then slip off the skins.
- Immediately, while the glass is still hot, plunge it into cold water.
- It's tempting, when they are this fresh and crisp, to do nothing more than plunge them into boiling water, and serve them up in great piles, unadorned and tasting only of themselves.
- Another day of global volatility on the markets saw share values plunge , with the Irish stock market now down €30 billion since January.
- The student may be tempted to plunge ahead with a topic and see what emerges.
- pot up and plunge spring-flowering bulbs
- The company fell into financial trouble as a result of the plunge in the Thai baht in mid-1997, which made its debt burden soar.
- The dollar, according to some reports, could plunge by as much as 40 per cent in value.
- An optional after-dinner extra is a lounge in the sauna followed by a quick plunge in the icy water of the lake.
- He experienced the worst plunge into unpopularity of any President of the Fifth Republic in his first year of office.
- His comments followed a plunge in first half profits from €13.5 million to 7m before tax and exceptional items.
- Carp are still on the move on Doe Hey Reservoir despite the recent plunge in temperatures.