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pious - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of pious in Hindi

  • पवित्र
  • धार्मिक
  • भक्त
  • धर्मात्मा
  • पुण्यात्मा
  • सूफ़ी
  • नेकचलन
  • साधु
  • धर्मपरायण
  • धर्मनिष्ठ
  • धर्मशील

pious Definition

  • devoutly religious. ( श्रद्धापूर्वक धार्मिक। )

pious Example

  • Second, in the pious and hypocritical words of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, ‘we live in a country of laws where there can be severe consequences for those who break them.’ ( दूसरा, मेयर माइकल ब्लूमबर्ग के पवित्र और पाखंडी शब्दों में, 'हम कानूनों के एक देश में रहते हैं, जहां उन्हें तोड़ने वालों के लिए गंभीर परिणाम हो सकते हैं।' )
  • However, their recommendation so far remained a pious wish without suitable legislative support. ( हालांकि, उनकी सिफारिश अब तक उपयुक्त विधायी समर्थन के बिना एक पवित्र इच्छा बनी रही। )
  • The option to renew is nothing other than what Cote calls ‘a pious hope that an agreement may later be reached’. ( नवीनीकरण करने का विकल्प कोटे के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं है जो एक पवित्र उम्मीद है कि बाद में एक समझौता हो सकता है '। )
  • This was to prove a pious hope, the costs doubling over the period. ( यह एक पवित्र आशा साबित करना था, इस अवधि में लागत दोगुनी हो गई। )
  • Yet reality must be confronted, if reconciliation is to be more than a pious hope. ( फिर भी वास्तविकता का सामना करना होगा, यदि सामंजस्य एक पवित्र आशा से अधिक होना है। )
  • She is deeply pious but also brave and fiercely protective of her son. ( वह गहरी दयालु है, लेकिन बहादुर और अपने बेटे की जमकर सुरक्षा भी करती है। )

More Sentence

  • Yes, the new EU constitution has plenty of pious words about ensuring that there should be no unfair state aids and other subsidies.
  • Even among the most pious , few could afford to neglect appearances.
  • As pious Jews they had held that Yahweh alone was God and that no human being could be divine.
  • The document it produced was toothless, consisting of many pious hopes and a few unenforceable targets.
  • The sheer supercilious, pious hypocracy fair takes the breath away.
  • We have more pious language, more platitudes, no clear definition, no consistency, and no clarity for those people who have to work under the Act.
  • Now the third important point related to government regulation is the aim of religion education is to develop pious and devout students.
  • Their response, however, consists of a pathetic mixture of pious wishes and unrealistic hopes.
  • But this is one issue on which I think incoherence and vacillation, combined with a liberal dose of pious platitudes, are exactly what most people want.
  • They harbour the pious hope that change is easier from within than from without.
  • Somehow or other, by destiny, this sinner did perform a pious deed, and by that deed he became purified.
  • So it would be a mistake for Democrats to start sounding more pious .
  • For socialists, it is not an empty phrase or a pious wish.
  • What stopped this from being a pious platitude was his accompanying insistence that the objective could be achieved by reform.
  • I am sure he and his comrades saw themselves as pious Muslims.
  • When he enters, everybody falls to the ground in a very pious manner.
  • Both her father and mother were pious Christians who regularly conducted home devotions and faithfully attended church.
  • Of all the religions, the best religion is to repeat God's Name and to do pious deeds.
  • Laid out on the table in front of me were the pious platitudes of Government Ministers responding to the loss of 350 permanent jobs in Donegal.
  • This is not a movie aimed at the religiously pious .
  • If one is looking for pious platitudes, this is not the place to come.
  • He said all the pious words about fresh air and cuddly animals but nothing about the obligations which might be imposed on industry.
  • By prayer and meditation the pious Buddhist enters into living communion with the heavenly Lord.
  • I mean, that sounds rather pious , but that is the way it is.