pioneer - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of pioneer in Hindi
- अग्र-दूत
- अगुआ
- प्रथम अन्वेषक
- खोज करनेवाला
- नेता
- मार्ग-निर्माता
- पहला
- प्रथम
- नया
- नव
- नमूने का
- जाँच का
- मार्ग दिखलाना
- मार्ग बतलाना
- रास्ता बतलाना
- संचालन करना
- निशाना लगाना
- पायोनिर
pioneer Definition
- a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.
- develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity).
pioneer Example
- a famous pioneer of birth control ( जन्म नियंत्रण के एक प्रसिद्ध अग्रणी )
- He was the pioneer of British canoeing. ( वह ब्रिटिश कैनोइंग के प्रणेता थे। )
- Atlanta owes its origin to the development of pioneer railroads of Georgia. ( अटलांटा की उत्पत्ति जॉर्जिया के अग्रणी रेलमार्गों के विकास के कारण हुई है। )
- He helped pioneer coverage of the media industry as a business. ( उन्होंने एक व्यवसाय के रूप में मीडिया उद्योग के अग्रणी कवरेज में मदद की। )
More Sentence
- He was a pioneer in the business of junior tennis development.
- She didn't tell me anything about the Pioneer Woman.
- During the activities, workers discovered graves of early white pioneers.
- Now you can transfer…to another Pioneer.
- And the AI may try to attack Pioneer Base next.
- Zia’s Pioneer comes to life and steps forward.
- Women have been pioneer missionaries and teachers.
- In 1990 the owners of Pioneer Computer Group (PCG).
- Pioneer 6A comes closer, still scanning the area.
- We couldn’t go back to Pioneer Base, of course.
- Get to the surface…before that Pioneer comes back.
- He also became a pioneer in international investing.
- This cemetery is where the pioneers of this area are buried.
- Boston Beer isn't the only scent-strip pioneer.
- For Dr. Howe is the great pioneer on whose work that of Miss Sullivan and other teachers of the deaf-blind immediately depends.
- He was a pioneer in the fields of patrology and of biblical archaeology.
- James calls his work the "last word" of the earlier stage of psychology, but he was in reality the pioneer of the new.