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persuade - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of persuade in Hindi

  • राज़ी करना


  • मनाना
  • समझाना
  • फुसलाना
  • यक़ीन दिलाना
  • राज़ी करना
  • उकसाना
  • पटाना
  • मनवाना
  • सहमत कराना

persuade Definition


  • cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

persuade Example

  • He did everything he could to persuade the police that he was the robber ( उसने पुलिस को यह समझाने के लिए हर संभव कोशिश की कि वह लुटेरा है )
  • How did you persuade Mother to agree to this? ( आपने माँ को इसके लिए राजी कैसे किया? )
  • He would not listen to anyone who tried to persuade him to stay at home. ( जिसने भी उसे घर पर रहने के लिए राजी करने की कोशिश की, उसने उसकी एक नहीं सुनी। )
  • Now I will try to persuade you. ( अब मैं आपको मनाने की कोशिश करूंगा। )

More Sentence

  • My mother always tries to persuade me to spend time with my younger siblings.
  • He had the courage to step forward and take chances, and the ability to persuade others to follow.
  • I was unable to persuade Kim to quit her bad habit of smoking.
  • How could I persuade you to help me with this upcoming event?
  • It would be impossible to persuade him to be as smooth and conciliatory as the case demanded.
  • And the thing that troubles you is, how to persuade your people to empty their purses.
  • He would not enter a room where a girl was; nothing could persuade him to do such a thing.
  • Scarcely less impossible is it to persuade the mounted Hungarians to fight on foot.
  • I thought I had better go over and persuade you not to freeze to death by degrees.
  • Never let any one persuade you, go where you may, to forsake your pledged total abstinence.
  • Oh! if I could persuade him that there are nobler aspirations than mere gathering of gold.
  • And to persuade me, that protecting thee I shield a guilty head, were hard indeed.
  • He was instructed to persuade the Scottish barons who had just imprisoned the queen to restore her to her authority.
  • Could you persuade the readers of your newsletter to donate to my charity?
  • And he told her of his intention to persuade Pierre to stay with them till spring.