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pegging - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of pegging in Hindi

  • पेगिंग
  • पेजिंग

pegging Definition


  • fix or make fast with a peg or pegs.
  • fix (a price, rate, or amount) at a particular level.
  • throw (a ball) hard and low, especially in baseball.

pegging Example

  •  On this basis, individuals and groups are once again on a level pegging. ( इस आधार पर, व्यक्ति और समूह एक बार फिर एक स्तर पेगिंग पर हैं। )
  • It is important for the regional airports to know at some stage when they will be level pegging. ( क्षेत्रीय हवाई अड्डों के लिए यह जानना महत्वपूर्ण है कि किसी स्तर पर वे कब लेवल पेगिंग होंगे। )
  • Now for the first time we shall be on level pegging with the areas around us. ( अब पहली बार हम अपने आसपास के क्षेत्रों के साथ लेवल पेगिंग पर होंगे। )
  • For 1972 and 1973 there is level pegging—those who retired in 1974 take a drop of £445—and then the figures go up. ( 1972 और 1973 के लिए लेवल पेगिंग है - जो 1974 में सेवानिवृत्त हुए हैं वे £445 की एक बूंद लेते हैं - और फिर आंकड़े बढ़ जाते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Almost before you can wink he is straight again, and pegging along with irresistible pertinacity.
  • Muskwa rolled after him like a ball, pegging away for dear life, but losing ground at every jump.
  • We must have a General Election in a year or two; meanwhile I shall keep on pegging away.
  • But as she was pegging out some towels in the yard she heard a discreet cough on the other side of the fence.
  • WOLMER should keep pegging away at this question till he gets common-sense answer.
  • Then he will feel as if he is really doing something, and not just pegging away day after day as if he were a machine.
  • I have often felt myself improving an opponent's weak stroke by pegging away at it.
  • And in the darkness, pegging on alone at the mercy of these coolies, my own thoughts were not unsynchronistic.