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peasant - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of peasant in Hindi

  • किसान
  • कृषक
  • खेतिहर
  • देहाती
  • मूर्ख
  • अनाड़ी


  • किसान का
  • कृषकीय
  • किसान-संबंधी

peasant Definition

  • a poor farmer of low social status who owns or rents a small piece of land for cultivation (chiefly in historical use or with reference to subsistence farming in poorer countries). ( निम्न सामाजिक स्थिति का एक गरीब किसान जो खेती के लिए जमीन का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा या किराए पर लेता है (मुख्यतः ऐतिहासिक उपयोग में या गरीब देशों में निर्वाह खेती के संदर्भ में)। )

peasant Example

  • They set out the next day and at evening approached a small hut from which a poor peasant emerged.
  • A tan face signifies the status of a lowly peasant who has worked in the fields all her life.
  • It was also true that the country was still poor and that the life of a peasant was hard.
  • Noble, bourgeois, and peasant alike associated status with exemption from public demands.
  • peasant farmers
  • In the countryside peasants began organising to seize land and to withhold rent.
  • Although a majority of Italians were peasants, Italian nationalism had been remarkably inattentive to the peasantry .
  • So why should they care about the plight of the peasantry ?
  • The chickpea was certainly used by the Romans, but regarded as a food for peasants and poor people.
  • Labour tenants, intent on salvaging some of their status as peasants , were often reluctant workers.
  • The peasants have become poorer and the working class has been exploited to the point where the worker is almost a slave.
  • As a result, poor peasants might find themselves paying their dues to a wealthy peasant, and never see the lord at all.
  • The black majority were reduced to impoverished peasants and landless labourers.
  • A starter of bucatini (a slightly hollow spaghetti) with squid was altogether more peasanty .
  • He has directed policies that have resulted in the driving of millions of poor peasants from their land.
  • For a quick cheat, I think this recipe has a fairly peasanty feel to it.
  • Feudal lords were authorized to collect taxes from the peasantry .
  • Lula has also raised calls for radical land reform to assist peasants and the rural poor.
  • Wares makes his excellent puff pastry into a flat, peasanty square topped with melting onions and thyme.
  • You know a lot of farmers and peasants cannot use a sword, but most of them are familiar with crossbows.
  • Some poorer peasants sold their land as soon as their ownership was confirmed, and then went to the towns in search of work.
  • A triple blow has hit the country's rural proletariat and peasantry .
  • The peasants and poor suffered an unbearable reduction in their standard of living during the war.
  • Jerin's pants were loose, almost peasanty , I thought, and his boots were just below his knees.
  • It is robust, peasanty and rustic with all the feel-good, comfort qualities of home-made food, but more interesting and commendably professional than your own, all too familiar efforts.
  • The victims were from a group of poor peasants who had occupied a 49-acre plot of land.
  • In the countryside the peasantry had all but disappeared.
  • They were short of land, monopolized as it was by capitalist farmers and aged peasants .
  • When the workers, urban poor and peasants want things from such a bourgeoisie they have to fight for them.
  • It was no longer divided between the small élite of landowners and a mass of peasants and the poor.