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overwhelming - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of overwhelming in Hindi

  • को रोके
  • अपरिहार्य
  • कुचल डालने वाला
  • दबाने वाला
  • जो रोक न सके

overwhelming Definition

  • very great in amount. ( राशि में बहुत शानदार। )

overwhelming Example

  • He doodled mindlessly, trying to get a grasp on the overwhelming emotions he was feeling. ( वह बिना रुके, भारी मन से उन भावनाओं पर काबू पाने की कोशिश कर रहा था, जिन्हें वह महसूस कर रहा था। )
  • I have an overwhelming amount of useless trivia stored in my head… Which explains how I can remember so many movies quotes and such. ( मेरे पास मेरे सिर में बेकार ट्रिविया की एक बड़ी मात्रा है ... जो बताती है कि मैं कई फिल्मों के उद्धरण और ऐसे कैसे याद कर सकता हूं। )
  • The overwhelming majority of people in Ireland fully support this process. ( आयरलैंड में अधिकांश लोग इस प्रक्रिया का पूरा समर्थन करते हैं। )
  • The strings arrangement gives me a feeling of overwhelming grief, tempered with dignity. ( तार व्यवस्था मुझे भारी गरिमा का एहसास दिलाती है, गरिमा के साथ स्वभाव से। )
  • Maybe the water could help wash away the overwhelming emotions she was feeling and help her think clearly. ( शायद पानी उसे महसूस कर रही भारी भावनाओं को दूर करने में मदद कर सकता है और उसे स्पष्ट रूप से सोचने में मदद कर सकता है। )
  • That makes for an overwhelming amount of sleep deprivation! ( नींद की कमी की एक भारी मात्रा के लिए बनाता है! )

More Sentence

  • The support and security systems of the welfare state included the overwhelming majority of the citizens.
  • Maggie, who had been feeling an emotion of overwhelming wonder, now felt panic rise in her throat because of the man was coming into the building.
  • These are the things I remember, the times of overwhelming emotion.
  • He is getting an overwhelming amount of money by way of the pension; furthermore, this pension is tax free for this financial year.
  • The overwhelming majority of voters supported their calls for reform and the end of scandalous political behavior.
  • Feelings of overwhelming sadness or fear, or the inability to feel emotion are common in such people.
  • An overwhelming sadness began to grip her heart.
  • The emotion he felt as he watched the game was of overwhelming relief.
  • But his overwhelming emotion was relief rather than disappointment.
  • Due to the overwhelming amount of attention her parents, and countless others, still paid her, she didn't really value this highly.
  • Polls indicate an overwhelming majority of Americans support it.
  • Along with their overwhelming fear comes a very strong and rigid denial system that is hard to break down.
  • If not properly maintained, water may develop excess nutrients, creating an overwhelming amount of algae, sludge, foul odors and a poor impression.
  • An unpleasant emotional and physical state of overwhelming apprehension and fear. anxiety disorders.
  • Even though I've been looking after the house, our daughter and a few chores, the last week gripped me with an overwhelming feeling of uselessness.
  • I stood motionless and my tears started flow, because I felt no fear at all, just an overwhelming feeling of disbelief, and then admiration and love.
  • They reveal that grief, fear and shock were often the overwhelming emotions.
  • Rumi practiced sama by dancing spontaneously, whirling and spinning to express his overwhelming love for God and his intense desire to merge with God.
  • His hidden eyes bored into the young man's head and that overwhelming terror gripped him again.
  • Due to the overwhelming amount of strategic and tactical ideas in chess, students of the game buy dozens of chess books but still find it impossible to isolate the key points.
  • She also wants to use the opportunity to pay tribute to the people in Swindon who have shown her family an overwhelming amount of support since his death.
  • My overwhelming emotion was nostalgia, oddly enough; nostalgia for the peculiar cultural nexus that this movie represented.
  • There's enormous and overwhelming support for her at this time.
  • Brigg's voice began to crack with emotions, mixed feelings of lingering sorrow and overwhelming anger and confusion.