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nominative - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of nominative in Hindi

  • नियुक्त
  • नियुक्त व्यक्ति
  • कर्त्ता शब्द
  • कर्त्ता कारक

nominative Definition


  • relating to or denoting a case of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives (as in Latin and other inflected languages) used for the subject of a verb.
  • of or appointed by nomination as distinct from election.


  • a word in the nominative case.

nominative Example

  •  I, we, she, and they are all nominative pronouns. ( मैं, हम, वह और वे सभी कर्तावाचक सर्वनाम हैं। )
  • Put this noun into the nominative. ( इस संज्ञा को कर्ता में डालें। )
  • In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in’a ‘. ( लैटिन में, पहली घोषणा संज्ञाओं का नाममात्र का मामला 'ए' में समाप्त होता है। )
  • This is a nominative absolute structure, which is equal to a conditional clause. ( यह एक नाममात्र पूर्ण संरचना है, जो एक सशर्त खंड के बराबर है। )

More Sentence

  • A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle.
  • This article makes nominative analysis towards location choice of urban housing investment.
  • The distinctions of nominative and accusative in nouns are realized by word order[TranslateEN.com], with the one before the verb as the nominative and the one after it as the accusative.
  • Is it nominative or elective?
  • In latin, a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative.
  • Case: The category of case is prominent in the grammar of Latin, with six distinctions of nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative and ablative.
  • This body should be completed in the end after the word nominative or accusative particle depends on the particle after the verb is transitive or automatic words.
  • Words do not automatically follow the object, that word in front of the back of the body can not be with accusative particle, in addition to only fill in the nominative particle.
  • In Polish, the vocative is almost always different from the nominative case.
  • After preposition the objective case of pronouns should be used, but he used the nominative case.