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mealtime - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of mealtime in Hindi

  • आहार का समय

mealtime Definition

  • the time at which a meal is eaten. ( जिस समय भोजन किया जाता है। )

mealtime Example

  • Southerners are the most likely to put their elbows on the table at mealtime , but they are the least likely to cut in line and the most likely to use courtesy titles. ( भोजन के समय टेबल पर अपने कोहनी रखने की सबसे अधिक संभावना है, लेकिन वे लाइन में कटौती करने की सबसे कम संभावना है और शिष्टाचार खिताब का उपयोग करने की सबसे अधिक संभावना है। )
  • Someone is trying to get something to eat before mealtime . ( भोजन से पहले खाने के लिए कुछ पाने की कोशिश कर रहा है। )
  • I had no sense of time any more; I didn't think it was a mealtime but I couldn't be sure. ( मुझे समय का कोई मतलब नहीं था; मुझे नहीं लगता था कि यह भोजन का समय था, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं हो रहा था। )
  • You rarely attend mealtime , and that is quite worrying to everyone. ( आप शायद ही कभी भोजन के समय उपस्थित हों, और यह सभी के लिए काफी चिंताजनक है।)
  • it must be mealtime soon ( यह जल्द ही भोजन होना चाहिए )
  • At the sound of a bell, the men woke; another bell signaled mealtime ; still another, work time; still another, meals and bedtime. ( घंटी बजने पर, पुरुष जागते थे; एक और घंटी खाने का संकेत; अभी भी एक और, काम का समय; अभी भी एक और, भोजन और सोने का समय। )
  • One of the high points of these summits, say participants, is mealtime . ( इन समिट्स के उच्च बिंदुओं में से एक, प्रतिभागियों का कहना है, भोजन का समय है। )
  • He was also very hungry and Marion went outside to scold the maids for not remembering to bring him food at mealtimes . ( वह बहुत भूखा भी था और मैरियन भोजन के लिए भोजन लाने के लिए याद नहीं करने के लिए नौकरानियों को डांटने के लिए बाहर चला गया। )
  • Within the family he was notorious for reading clips out of the paper at mealtimes to prevent conversation. ( बातचीत को रोकने के लिए परिवार के भीतर वह खाने के लिए कागज पर क्लिप पढ़ने के लिए कुख्यात था। )

More Sentence

  • He stopped at normal mealtimes , but never had an appetite.
  • Thus, despite the proliferation of incredibly lavish kitchens, fewer and fewer Americans are at home even at mealtimes .
  • In her family mealtimes , lively chatter was encouraged even when she was a young child.
  • The women ate familiar, everyday foods at mealtimes and for their evening snack.
  • Matron was, eagerly it seemed, listening to their conversation, despite her attempts to keep herself to herself during mealtimes .
  • Anne has taken to being quiet at mealtimes so that she is not criticized.
  • At mealtimes you will go with me to the kitchens to pick up the food.
  • With less-structured mealtimes , consumers are eating smaller amounts of food more regularly than three meals a day.
  • In fact, the only times he would stay in the same room as them were at mealtimes .
  • He hated mealtimes , especially with Aunt Bella watching over him, or Uncle Simon making comments.
  • ‘We would have been looking for hotels that would do pack lunches and offer some flexibility with mealtimes ,’ says Skelly.
  • I like having my family together at mealtimes , for the Lord knows the rest of the time we are separated.